
There are warnings about “verheerenden Folgen” of the UNRWA words

The Israeli parliament has taken over UNRWA’s Palästinenserhilfswerk by an international arbitration agency. The Umsetzung der Gesetze “konnte verherende Für die palästinensische Flüchtlinge in de besetzten palästinensische Gebieten haben, was nicht hinnehmbar ist” erklärte UN-Generalsekretär António Guterres. The UN General Assembly was informed and sent by Israel, the Volkerrechtliche Verpflichtungen nachzukommen.

“This Gesetzesentwürfe became the Leiden der Palästinenser nur versschlimmern, especially in Gaza, wo die Menschen seit mehr as einem Jahr durch die Hölle gehen”, wrote UNRWA-Leiter Philippe Lazzarini on the Plattform X. Die Entscheidung des Parlaments, das Hilfswerk “van There are life-saving and health-protection benefits for people who work for millions of people who are healthy, but they will continue to thrive,” warned the chief of the Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

The Israeli parliament has given the largest interest group, the organization that appointed the Israeli state territory for up to one year (within 90 days after the Veröffentlichung), a larger amount of funding. If the Hilfswerk is carried out in the Palestinian territory, the fortress can be strengthened while Israel exercises cross-border control. If you want to work again, you can contact Israeli companies with the Hilfswerk.

The US, Israel’s most important constituent, as well as other Western Länder, are pushing the Jewish State, and both Gesetzentwürfe are not in favor. The publication of the statement of US President Joe Biden, who eliminated the military struggle for Israel, wrote the US-Nachrichten portal “Axios”.

Dennoch stimulated 92 Abgeordnete der Regierung und Opposition in der Knesset – de insgesamt 120 Sitze hat – voor das Vorhaben. On October 7, 2023, UNRWA’s decision in the Hamas raid in southern Israel was adopted on October 7, 2023. Before you find yourself in the parliament of the wütenden debate. An Arab Abgeordneter sprach von een “faschistieken Gesetz”, Zielsei de fortwährende Unterdrückung des palästinensische Volkes. The initiators respond with lautem Geschrei, an Abgeordnete must be offered after more Mahnungen aus dem Saal.

Medien zufolge hatten auch Vertreter des israelischen Außenministeriums Consideren insichtlich der practical and consequential consequences. I’m afraid that autumn will become an Ausschluss Israels from the Vereinten Nationen. It is possible that the US will exercise a veto in the fight against the Security Council.

Western states nevertheless have the power to separate the Knesset into their “real government” over the gesetzespläne. In a number of countries, the Australian ministers and ministers of Germany, France, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, Japan and South Korea can have the Israeli Regie “nachdrücklich”, which makes international discourse possible. The Vorrechte of the UNRWA would no longer be abolished, a humanitarian Hilfe and the Grundversorgung der Zivilbevölkerung would become more powerful. The ministers and ministers of concrete, UNRWA has written a letter, one of the terrorist organizations that has established a terrorist organization has carried out a mission.

The European Union (EU) expressed its “serious concerns” about the Gesetz. Laut a foreign service of the EU’s chief diplomat Josep Borrell has the Gesetz “in broad terms regarding the right of the people and the human rights principle of humanity”. It became “that despite the humanitarian crisis nor the lack of support, because the care of millions of palästinensischer Flüchtlingse in diesen Gebieten mit lebenswichtigen Gütern wie Nahrungsmitteln, Künften, Bildung und Gesundheitsfürsorge zum Erliegen.”

The Turkish war against Israel started with the Einsatzverbot that brings forward the law of the people. I see that the Soul of Israel, enjoy Palästinenser an der Rückkehr in ihre Heimat zu hinderen, erklärte das Außenministerium in Ankara. So you can ensure that one of the Israeli-Palatinate conflicts is sweated. “There is a just and moral responsibility for the international community, which adopted a resolution of the UN General of the UN that put UNRWA into words,” said es.

The Palastinensische Autonomybehörde in West Jordan is strongly critical of the separation of the Knesset in Vorfeld. This Gesetz violates popular law and is a provocation to the combined international community.

There is no question of a loss of conflict or a judicial loss of the freedom of struggle in the Einklang with the international law that is attributed to the autonomy of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in an Erklärung, which was published by the palästinensische Nachrichtenagentur WAFA.

The United Nations had the Hilfswerk in the year 1949, a palästinensischen Flüchtlingen zu helfen. An support for this service has palästinenser, who were served or served during the War in 1948 and 1967, regardless of their arrival. Mittlerweile is after the organization cattle 5.9 Millionen Menschen – and the Zahl goes further and further. Das Hilfswerk is a different man in Jordan and in Lebanon.

The UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) has received more than 30,000 people, most of which have been paid. Only in Gaza Stripes the Hilfswerk runs 13,000 employees. Most of these things are self-flashes with own Schicksalen in the Nahost conflict. The organization offers palästinensische Flüchtlingen grundlegende Dienstleistungen in Bereichen wie Bildung und Gesundheitsversorgung. The beginning of the Gaza Kriegs is a great mission for the Hunderttausende Binnenflüchtlinge of the Verfügung and the humanitarian Hilfe.