
Tod der Eltern hat Designer Guido Maria Kretschmer changes

Tod der Eltern hat Designer Guido Maria Kretschmer changes

There is a celebration that makes life quicker when a man is under the Gleiche di. It has begun, Briefe zu schreiben: «Das habe ich als Kind so gemacht, all have ichrieben, Johannes Rau, Rainer Werner Fassbinder. I have had a long time, in this art of interaction with humans, it is new and that time is still fun.»

Kretschmers Vater war in August 2023 storben, vier Monate später seine Mutter. There is still no agreement, but they can both call on Kretschmer as soon as possible, for the Vox-Fernsehsendung “Shopping Queen” is possible. “With the Tod der Eltern, the man himself is a Rampe heran,” says the fashion designer.