
Klausi Beimer from “Lindenstraße” with new job

Klausi Beimer from “Lindenstraße” with new job

The Schauspieler who has become legendary as “Klausi Beimer” from the “Lindenstraße” Moritz A. Sachs Work jetzt behind the Kulissen. There is a production line at the ARD-Vorabendreihe “Watzmann ermittelt”, the new next step in the Mittwoch is being carried out.

“I am happy with my own work (…). I am very happy and happy. I can, if I am organized and experienced, and if I am completely happy, if I am in team work”, thus der 46- Participate in a PR interview.

“Ständige Bewertung ist eine Belastung”

One of the Vorteile jobs is nach seiner Überzeugung: “The advice of the chamber is not so stupid and not so that the Bewertung is ausgesetzt.” Denn: “If you go to Castings, you may say it. ‘There is such a dick, there is thinness, there is a whole different way than we thought, that is what I would otherwise imagine.’ You may be charged if you no longer take the ‘Lindenstraße’ into account.

The preparation of the dreharbeiten mache ihm große Freude: “Zuhause im Garten sich hindzusetzen, zu planen und die Übergangsphase bis zum first Drehtag”, erzählt there. “Apart from being on the Tag, it is worth leaving the production office for the winter, while the Gemäuer einheize and in fuller Wintermontur at the Ankunft der Eerste Kolleginnen and Kollegen warte.”

In one of Staffel’s new films, Sachs was aware of the room. “I still work as a workman. I have a good job at work and in my work. In that case, the fall itself is very good, because the direction of my work is a fragment, but I do not enjoy it. I will always combine it with you. : naturally soft and gentle.”