
4 Phases: When we die Wechseljahre am smartest since – and when it becomes better

4 Phases: When we die Wechseljahre am smartest since – and when it becomes better

The Wechseljahre is intended to meet a woman. No matter how long it lasts, the symptom will be severe and the problem will be most common while you are here.

The woman can give a woman a herausorderderde time, it can be very painful and emotional that the symptoms entail.

This is the fourth phase of the Wechseljahre

The fourth stage of pregnancy – the period of menopause, perimenopause, postmenopause and menopause – began and wanted the pregnancy to last a long time.

1. Premenopause

The menopausal period begins in the 4th stage of pregnancy and often begins in the 40s. In this phase the Eierstöcke begins to reduce all possibilities of estrogen production. Hormonal production can cause irregular periods.

Symptom of menopause

  • Hitzewallungen
  • Stimmungschwankungen
  • Schlafstörungen, nocturnal Schwitzattacks
  • vaginal Trockenheit
  • more intensive zyklusabhängige Beschwerden wie Kopfschmerzen or Unterleibskrämpfe

The period of menopause can vary from woman to woman, but as a rule it will last several years.

2. Perimenopause

During this period, hormonal production lengthens and menstruation becomes irregular. Perimenopause can last several years and is often the stage most women experience the most common symptoms. I entered the perimenopause phase at the age of 47.

Severe Symptoms that could occur include:

  • Hitzewallungen und übermäßiges Schwitzen
  • Schlafstörungen and Nachtschweiß
  • Weight zunahme
  • Stimmungschwankungen
  • Schwindelgefühle
  • Müdigkeit
  • Irregularity in the menstrual cycle
  • vaginal Trockenheit

3. Postmenopause

Postmenopause is the first stage of pregnancy and begins one year after the last menstrual period. In this phase, hormone levels are stabilized and most symptoms of the disease persist.

Women can no longer face long-term problems with osteoporosis and chronic diseases. It is important that the women at the Wechseljahren respect their health and have regular welding.

4. Menopause

Menopause is the fourth and final stage of pregnancy. If you are a woman, your period will be long. In this phase, the function of the ovary and hormonal production are greatly reduced.

The symptom of the disease can occur, but a few women can with Hitzewallungen, Schlafstörungen and other Beschwerden zu kämpfen haben. When you’re at the beach, menopause is a natural part of life, being a woman and not a faint feeling.

How long does the short phase of the Wechseljahre last?

That of the “schlimming” of the 4 phases of the Wechseljahre can go from Frau to Frau. As a rule, most symptoms occur during perimenopause, which can last more years. Although not all women have symptoms, and there are several treatment problems, it is a linden disorder.

A healthy lifestyle, controlled weight, regular treatment and stress management can reduce the symptoms of the disease.

Do you want to end the Wechseljahre?

The Wechseljahre is an individual and can be used in uninterested Altersgruppen. I went through menopause at the age of 51 years ago. A few women can leave the Wechseljahre or später erleben.

Factors with systematic processing, protection and lifestyle can add the alternative boundaries together. When you get the most ideas, the idea that the process is a completely different process is no longer possible. It can take a year for a woman to transition through 4 stages of pregnancy and stabilize hormone levels.

A German, the Wechseljahre is one of the menstrual periods in a time of mental illness in the month of Monaten. If an intensive load of treatment can occur, the entire body may have a new hormonal status quo. Letztendlich is an individual process and an unsafe solution is a matter or an opinion.