
Rapid-Pfarrer im Cup is about the great Liebe

Rapid-Pfarrer im Cup is about the great Liebe

The Vorletzte der Zweiten Liga ist am Mittwoch (6.15 PM, live ORF 1) is the Zweiten der Bundesliga Außenseiter. Nor dazu gibt is für Stripfing keinen Heimvorteil. The own Anlage in Marchfeld is not yet fruitful, the Stripfinger Ausweichstadion Generali-Arena in Wien-Favorieten is not a Security Green in Thema. Rapid fans in the Austria Stadium were a big risk for all bets.

Deshalb is located on the Hohen Warte in Wien Spielt. Im Gespräch mit spricht Pelczar über seine Erwartungen, seine Liebe zu Rapid en seinen Einsatz für Stripfing. Herr Pelczar, was war Ihr erster Gedanke, if Sie gesehen haben, dass Stripfing gegen Rapid spielen muss?

Christoph Pelczar: Um Gottes Willen! Who is this and is it perhaps not even a schlechter Scherz? If a war happened once, there is a trauma for me, when I both play a different game. Once Wahrheit is won, it is possible that a verein will fix itself in the four-count final. Was the Ihnen more concerned with: A Cup-Sensation from Stripfing was Rapid or die Rapid weiterkommt and in the first seasons since 1995 which Cupsieger would be?

Pelczar: That is a sensational Frage. It’s a mixed scent. At 17 years time for Rapid da, everyone knows my nur as the Mann, der in grün-weißen Streifen herumläuft. Since then, Monaten has the Verantwortung für den Verein in meiner Heimatgemeinde. If I have a beautiful Miteinander feiern in the Mittwoch, with clear impulses, that is the Fußball for Werte. It will all be for the Youth with the Road gone.

At the end of August, Abdoulaye Kante celebrates with Stripfing a 3:0 Siege at Vienna and ends up in the Cup Eight Final

GEPA photos / Armin Rauthner

Abdoulaye Kante celebrates with Stripfing a 3:0 Siege at Vienna and ends up in the Cup Eight Final Stripping has been around since Summer 2023 nor if I have a ligataugliche Anlage. Who is it?

Pelczar: It is a Leiden history for the Verein and a personal person for me. If that’s what someone wants, then so be it. After history was erased, people and people were often present in exile for a long time. Then it is time to come and leave the country, that is the world of the world, erobert. So it could be a thing. We are so quick to get rid of stripping. After the Auslosung war schnell klar, dass man Rapid-Fans nicht ins Austria-Stadion lassen wird. If you are aware, is there an explosive Stimmung that is possible?

Pelczar: I am very happy with my heart, and that is how I fried it. Jeder Fan soll seine Mannschaft unterstützen. Stripping would be everything, um Rapid zu fordern. My appeal to all Rapid fans: We have a great green-white family. Finally, one of those days will be a beautiful Fußball-Fest.