
“Tootsie”-Schauspielerin Teri Garr with 79 gestorben

“Tootsie”-Schauspielerin Teri Garr with 79 gestorben

The American Schauspielerin Teri Garr, dies in Hit-Komödien with “Tootsie” and “Mr. Mom “mit spielte, ist tot. She starb in Los Angeles after a long battle against Nervenskrankheit Multiple Sclerosis (MS), with Mr. Heidi Schaeffer present. Garr wurde 79 Jahre alt.

Garr started my career in show business as a teenager in the 1960s. You can visit the page of Elvis Presley in the film musical „Tolle Nächte in Las Vegas“ with. As a schauspielerin übernahm in the 1970s, his films included “Der Dialog”, “Frankenstein Junior” or “Unheimliche Begegnung der written art”.

A page of Dustin Hoffman appeared in the hit comedy “Tootsie” (1982) with. In the Verkleidungskomödie under the direction of Sydney Pollack both work-lose Schauspieler in New York.

When Sandy (Garr) plays for a career with a small hat, Michael (Hoffman) knows the opportunity and is seduced as a woman by the TV role. “Tootsie” is about the Oscar nominations, but the NebenRolls Oscar goes to the end and the colleague Jessica Lange.

With Michael Keaton, Garr then wrote the Ehepaar-Komödie “Mr. Mom“, in the power of the Hausfrau career, after Ehemann lost his job and became Hausmann.

In the 90s, Jahren Garr starred in films with “The Player”, “Dumm en Dümmer” or “Michael” with. They rank high for the Fernsehkameras.

Ways of the analysis and MS look forward to seeing more of the Schauspielerei zurück. In 2002, the diagnosis started on Larry King’s talk show. I have been working on this for years for the affected person and for relief from the nervous illness.

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