
Markenarticle flies out of range: Gurken, Äpfel, Rüebli – Migros responds to Discounter-Preisdruck

Markenarticle flies out of range: Gurken, Äpfel, Rüebli – Migros responds to Discounter-Preisdruck


the Migros has a long lifespan – the long-term reduction results in all statistics being found.
Fraglich bei dieser seltsamen Direction, ob die Umbauerei nicht erneut as Kernkompetenz rüberkommt: “Ob Sie wollen oder nicht, tomorrow zmittag sieht Ihre Migros schon wieder else aus, but fell tollerer”
Fraglich zudem, ob nach der gestärkten Position as Marktführer die Preise gleich wieder hochschnellen.
Vertrauensverlustigt wesentlich nachhaltiger als Vertrauensbildung,

Colorless Ratificati

Turn around is an unumgänglich -vielleicht etwas (zu?) spät-ob all “faulen Kartoffeln” schon entfernt wurden bleibt fraglich. The lost Goodwill whose life lasts years.


I can find a “COOP Child”.


If the peculiarities in Schweiz are re-established, the leader of a proprietary product is not like this at this time. I can also make a purchase at Discounter.


It’s Aldi and Lidl! These people would no longer involve the Migros in the price purchase.
Welchen Wechselkurs Euro/CHF braucht die Migros ? As long as the Migros makes a profit: 1.63 or 1.3o, but it is 0.93.5 !!!
Who is at Milchpreis? Der Bauer deserves quick prizes, the Migros nimmt hemmungslos 1.80!
Ebenso de Uebernahme vom Familienunterhemen: First of all, the Migros will fasten their entire production, then they will continue to have more money, and then the Migros will buy their money! A heavenly tragic Taktik!!!
Aus diesen Gründen is my first Wahl: Aldi


Yes, Migros
ich war fell in commerce and had a diesel Weisheit von mir gegeben:
It’s a lot easier to gain new experiences if one of the following things you can do!
If the Migros-Kunde stelle ich fest is, it will last a long time.
Gerade letzte Woche has ich zB at Manor – which is gold plated – Früchte eingekauft in weitaus better Qualität and are favorable Prices as with Migros nebenan. These COOP hats are in proper service condition. The Migros may die.


Zuerst was one of the most important consequences of the Regale wieder aufgefüllt sind. So you learn to have a great meal! It cannot be otherwise than that the love affair lies. Order quickly!!!!
Leader is the Obst and Gemüse everything else as gut. I am finding more and more damaged or moldy items in the Regals.
The Migros won’t last long, so it’s a war. Der Preis von meinem wöchentlichen Einkauf häs ich verdoppelt in the last two years.
What is Preissenkung? Everything is learned.


There are own products from Gunsten von Markenprodukten entfernt, bzw. were no longer repaired. Bring these products with you. It is best to put a stop to the traffic in the social middle class. I was in the Gäupark Migros, div. not available. Migros in Burgdorf top, at the first glance everything da. Besser planted, or now better präsentiert? Does the automatic ordering system fail, do you check everything?


The half-hearted, überteuerten BIO-Ramsch find husbands at LIDL and ALDI are not.


If the Migros indicates the price, it can be clear that it may take a while. And everything under the Deckmantel der Genossenschaft. A tragic history.
If Aldi and Lidl no longer offer products on the market, the people will become better and better.
Aldi and Lidl are grateful.


Frochereusch52 @Frochereusch52: Abzockt? Nor were the Lebensmittel in Vergleich zu den Einkommen so fair. It is worth it to be prepared to have a great experience. Billiger heisst auch, dass de Migros einfach de Lieferant mehr unter Druck setzt. It is not that the Grossverteiler is social. When he came over, the war was no bigger than ever.


Reirochi75 Yes, for a small Lebensmittel that may be the case,
aber the quality and weight of the packaging have become negative for consumer sales.
So it can’t be that I see meinung.
Would you like to be serious, ensure that your environment is safe in our country? The gold plated is not yet perfect for the Oberschicht.
In the past years of our series, I have experienced machen müssen, wie meine Eltern, Grosseltern und Uhrgrosseltern usw. .
And when we are in Ausland, it has never been like this before.


Apropos Gemüse und Früchte: What a wonderful experience you have with your loved one Gedanken over Ökology and production requirements? Zur Zeit meiner Eltern would a Drittel des Einkommens für Lebensmittel ausgegeben. While almost everything is organic, all hazards and pesticides die for the Wachstumssteigerung. Der Preis ist die Ãœbernutzung der Böden und Verschmutzung des Trinkwassers. Dazu unsoziale Bedingungen zB bij Gemüsen/Früchten aus Südeuropa. A product that is produced perfectly, also bei Bio. And although everything is so fair, Foodwaste is zum Abwinken…


G. Duttweiler looks forward to grabbing it.
Was the man now with his or her load authorized. Selber Schuld, I was with Coop and Denner 2 years ago.


Torsten Would you like to know whether the Denner has been heard from the Migros?
Einfach nur so, die Themen here since einfach immer nur Werbung,
egal was darüber geschrieben wird.
What is now that the Firmennamen falls.


For about 50 years, I have been happy with my own shock at the Migros,
We are happy with my free time, but still 1/2 so gross and that my Mittagsessen. Also plötzlich nur die halbe Mahlzeit für den selves Betrag.
A Monate später went then nor der Preis hoch.
Meine Eltern can’t wait any longer and wash the shoes and the house blew if it is gross and what it is.
Everything was published in the 70s.
Was Soll Das here too?
Jahrzehnte long hat man who hinges everything.
Justice is otherwise aber who shows interest dies kaum,
denn ansonsten were different for the longest time and that was also blue news not different. Leader.


None of the price is heavy.
Auch die Qualität muss stimmen.
Lots of love, wonderful and lonely, you will now have a nature and that layer is a life.
Qualität VOR Quantität

Flow tea

Ai-ben Bin at Ihnen. Weniger Fleisch fr…en, sondern wenn, dann niess&den Preis für eine tierrechte Haltung bezahlen. Leader is umgekehrt. It is such a Swiss Grain Fleisch, 80% of it comes from South America and is made with Sauteuer. Wird aber nicht mehr, wie früher in der Bündner Luft getrocknet, under the Schnellverfahren in Trocknungsraum. Those who experience more large statt classes will not incur any costs from the quality. German Fleisch no. Warum? I don’t think it’s Fleisch. Beim Gemüse were Spargeln from Mexico, Tomaten from Spanien, trotz Wassermangel. The most interesting question is not where a product comes from, Hauptsache BILLIG. There is Leute, who is on a great voyage of discovery.


For the innocent and impudent sins, the leading nature and the GESUNDHEIT.


I was in the Zeit, Herr Irminger and the Genossenschafter thinking and thinking about my life. Herr Irminger will die being a king with maximum victory. The war was never Duttweiler’s Idea. Frau Nold has more difficulty reading the interests of her people, Zentral is one-sided and does not repeat from Pontius to Pilate. Was jetzt mit der Migros passionert een clearer Leistungsabbau.


Goges03 There is nothing else and that could easily happen.
The management of the Täuschung von Kunden is here the Magic Wort.
Everything else since fromme Wünsche.


The leader is the structure of the Migros, which has not been healthy for more than 50 years. Immer noch 10 Genossenschaften und Zusätzliche Verwaltungspunkte in Suhr und Neuendorf. Das Tivoli in Spreitenbach wird von der Genossenschaft Aare nahe Bern believeert.
Coop hat die Umstruktuierung vorgemacht.


Bravo to Rapunzel! Rapunzel is so visible in the Forum, the hat of the Durchblick. Geiz ist namely not horny, other power nur our environment is ruined. And the end-of-life tourists said: “Wether we think, buy more.”


If the Migros is on an area of ​​40 m2 in the Fleisch production. I have Fleisch, but I have brauche nicht 10 Sorten Salami, 10 Sorten Speck, 10 Sorten…. My opinion is regularly ab dort. I buy the Fleisch beim Metzger (regional), the Gemüse on the Markt (the season was longer, as the Migros). When it comes to fair prices on my counter, no bill, which may come from Switzerland, is a tribute to the Ausland-kommt. Migros is not me Loading.