
Harris: “Trump würde mit Feindesliste ins Amt gehen”

Harris: “Trump würde mit Feindesliste ins Amt gehen”

Election 2024 Harris

How the final of the Wahlkampf phase comes: Kamela Harris.

Quelle: AP

With the end of the American Wahlkampfs, Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris has put an end to chaos, splitting and drama among his Republican contacts with Donald Trump. With a greater knowledge of the white houses in the capital Washington says the following:

It is a matter of an unstable, of Rachegel besessenen Menschen, der von Missgunst zerfressen and an uncontrollable Power aus ist.

Kamala Harris, democratic American presidential candidate

On January 6, 2021, Trump was hanging the Sturm on the US Capitol with a red revival on January 6, 2021.

Trump and Harris in front of the American flag

Hoffnungen, Erwartungen, Angste – a muscular America for the US-Wahlen. During a road trip through the US, man said Trump and Harris law. 23.10.2024 | 44:02 min

Harris calls Trump “Tyrann” and “Möchtegern-Diktator”

It is useless to draw attention to its symbolic meaning, a time when the Wahl zum is emerging in the country and warning another Trump president. Ihren Kontrahenten played as “Tyrannen” and “Möchtegern-Diktator”.

Dashboard US-Wahl 2024 Harris vs. Trump

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Trump hated his denial, asking how democracy would be plagued by rampant enterprise in 2020. A gewalttätiger Mob would look forward to seeing the Kapitolshügel and stürmte das Parlamentsgebäude.

During the congressional war and the day Democrats consider Joe Biden the Trump formal best act. If Trump has seen his Wahlniederlage, he is unable to act and develop into the successful Wahlkampf, the Democrats will go their way on their own with confidence.
The democratic Präsidentschaftskandidatin Vizepräsidentin Kamala Harris speaks at a Wahlkampfveranstaltung

Harris wanted us to take an overnight trip in Washington to stop in the United States.29.10.2024 | 0:29 min

Harris: Time for a new future generation

Harris said Trump was one of the reasons Mob shut down Capitol. Priority has been given to one of the most important issues in the White House, the extremists began taking their lives freely and criminally on January 6, 2021.

Trump has deployed the US military, never to be seen again. Harris has no longer fought for generations for the Grundfreiheiten, a country of Wills that has a “Tyrants” in its shelter. And the US sees a small Schauplatz for the Gestures of “Möchtegern-Diktators”. The 60-year-old criticism:

Donald Trump has spent a long time, the American people have lived out, and their fear is greater than ever.

Kamala Harris, democratic American presidential candidate

It is one of the times, “dass wir das Drama und de Konflikt, die Angst und de Spaltung hinter uns lassen”, so Harris. It is a time for a new Führungsgeneration in America.

Elmar Thevessen

The Democratic candidates, Harris, are still not a great Wahlkampfauftritt. ZDF correspondent Elmar Theveßen reported on the scary running of both Candidates. 29.10.2024 | 1:48 min

Harris: Werde Präsidentin for all American signals

If you turn your attention away, you can spend some of the time. “Ich verspreche, a president for all Americans of their country and of the country that is the party über and can establish itself”, is democracy in the mix. More information:

While Tag, it is likely that Donald Trump will come up with an ending list in his life. When I was gewählt, I was given a to-do list that was prioritized in the office.

Kamala Harris, democratic American presidential candidate

“I became, together with all my fellow members – Democrats, Republikans and Unabhängigen – a heart of American armed forces, which are still not fighting, a voranzukommen.” If you want to compromise, you can find human reason. “I’m not perfect. I’m mache Fehler,” Harris said finally.

Once it gets to that point, it gets worse and worse. When I don’t want to wait anymore.

Kamala Harris, democratic American presidential candidate

Don’t see thinking differently as Feinde. If he has done a few things, Joe Biden as chairman of his service, now his own work and ideas have emerged in the Oval Office.

Merit Tschurer Message in ZDFheute live

In some cases of Swing States, the Candidates lie about those little things scary to each other. 2020 kept Biden busy with his life as US president.29.10.2024 | 1:21 min

Trump has adopted a plan in Swing State Pennsylvania

Trump’s Wahlkampfteam has assessed Harris’ Auftritt as rückwärtsgewandt: You will now not be able to have your own Versäumnissen in the Regierungszeit with Biden. Trump has a parallel run of 300 kilometers in Allentown to his name and has completed a large distance in the federal state of Pennsylvania.

Der 78-Jährige plette dort sein übliches Wahlkampfprogramm ab. It was said that “the Verbrechern invasion” of the US would stop, that Harris and the Democrats would leave the country and that the Wahlsieg could achieve “the greatest moment in the world”.

Trump Wahlkampf

Trump hat at a large representation in New Yorker Madison Square Garden is made mobile. In the signalman Rede griff is not Harris, but also migrants.28.10.2024 | 1:19 min

Trump Versucht, Schaden zu bordered

The Republikaner no longer criticizes American comedians, the American territory of Puerto Rico has received a big Trump-kundung in New York as a “schwimmende Müll-Insel” hat.

In Puerto Rico, the Satz for Empörung – and the whole life in Pennsylvania won 500,000 Puerto Ricans. Trump should have a damage assessment as his politics took flight in Puerto Rico, which ran into trouble. No one will be more impressed than the Puerto Rican community.

Quelle: dpa, AFP, ZDF