
“Müll”: Biden-Sager überschattet Harris’ Auftritt

“Müll”: Biden-Sager überschattet Harris’ Auftritt

Konkret sind Aufnahmen aufgetaucht, in den Biden die Anhängerinnen und Anhänger des republikanischen Präsidentschaftscandidates Donald Trump shinbar als “Müll” bezeichnet. If a Wahlkampfgespräch is on the service of the Democrats, there is a comedian at a veranstaltung Trumps from the American American Puerto Rico as ‘Insel aus Müll’ statement. “The only thing that matters is that I have been alive since my death,” Biden said. “Seine, seine, seine Dämonisierung von Latinos is skrupellos and sie is unamerican.”

Trump and his Wahlkampf campaign emerged so quickly. “Diese Leute. Schrecklich, schrecklich – schrecklich, so eine Sache zu sagen,” Trump said to one of the leaders in the American Federal State of Pennsylvania. The ex-president spoke of a commentary on Democrats Hillary Clinton, while Trump was waging war in 2016. Clinton hate damals gesagt, die Half der Unterstützer Trumps seien “deplorables” (Beklagenswerte). “Müll ist schlimmer, Denke ich, oder?”, so Trump. Signal Vize JD Vance nannte de Worte Bidens “ekelhaft”.

Weißes Haus um Besänftigung bemüht

The White House has become clear, I have spoken the rhetoric of the Wahlkampfveranstaltung in New Yorker Madison Square Garden – never confirmed again. “Der President bezeichnete die hasserfulte Rhetorik auf der Kundgebung in Madison Square Garden as ‘Müll’,” said Weißes-Haus-Sprecher Andrew Bates.

While the Trumps listen to comedian Tony Hinchcliffe in New York, Puerto Rico sees an “Insel aus Müll”. Zugleich says there are über Latinos, it’s “Babys zu machen”. Trump is said to have given the service of the Fox News sender a damage estimate. “I’m not sure, but it’s a big deal, but I’m not allowed to, that’s a big deal,” said the Republikaner. “Wahrscheinlich hätte is nicht da sein solen.”

Harris-Rede und symbolträchtigem Ort

Harris wants him to serve in a White House speech that will end the drama and more. Harris has found a symbol in the American capital in The Ellipse park south of the white houses.

On January 6, 2021, after the 2020 presidential elections, Trump is aware of the Wahlbetrugsbehauptungen, where American capital is sucked and parliament is being steamrolled. Amid Congress’ war, Democrats are being woken up to formally label Trump. Trump has seen Wahlniederlage if he does not get up and move into the laureate of the Wahlkampf, the Democrats will go their way with confidence on their own.

Kamala Harris Wahlkampfauftritt in front of the White House

AP/Evan Vucci

Zehntausende Anhängerinnen und Anhänger kamen zu Harris’ Kundgebung beim Weißen Haus

Harris über Trump: “Möchtegerndiktator”

“It is a matter of an unstable, of Rachegel besessenen Menschen, der von Missgunst zerfressen and an uncontrollable Power aus ist,” Harris told Trump at the service. As the Auftritt for the long term and the Anhängerinnen – the Veranstaltern were 75,000 – a symbolic Ort, a wenig Tage for the Wahl for another Trump-Präsidentschaft to warn.

Harris said Trump was one of the reasons Mob shut down Capitol. Priorities have been set on a number of matters in the White House, the extremists are free and criminally in the process of ending their lives on January 6, 2021.

Trump has deployed the US military, never to be seen again. Harris cannot say that generations have not gone crazy for the Grundfreiheiten, a country that Willen has a “Tyrants” in its shelter. In the US you will not find a Schauplatz for the Gestures of the “Möchtegerndiktators”.

Harris will say “Präsidentin für alle Amerikaner”.

“Donald Trump has spent a long time, the American people have dispersed and in the future it will last longer,” criticized the age of 60. Damit muse Schluss signal. “It is one of the times, the drama and the conflict, the fear and the spaltung behind us.” It is one of the times for a new generation of fuhrungs in America.

“I am a president for all Americans who are in power and the country is immer over the party and myself,” democracy in the Menge is alive and well. If you want to compromise, you can find human reason. “I’m not perfect. Ich mache Fehler,” says Harris. “Once it gets to that point, it gets worse and worse. Auch wenn ihr mi nicht wählt.“ Sie he Dissenting nicht als Feinde.

Donald Trump at Wahlkampfveranstaltung in Pennsylvania

Reuters/Brendan Mcdermid

Trump in Pennsylvania

Ernste Töne statt guter Laune

Harris shlugs with the serious seriousness of the tone, while he was often watched in the Vergangen-wochen at Wahlkamp faufttocht, was Leichtigkeit and gute Laune as Trump’s counterpunk on the sets. Toxic people jeden Alters kamen zu ihrem Auftritt. No matter how long it takes, how long it takes, one of the gelände you need. The war was stopped, the people would fight with American flags. Don’t let the Democrats’ “Kamala” ruling continue.

Einzelne Zuschauer is thinking and still looking at the end ring of Worte von Harris. Keep the heels in the arms. There are many ways to fuse the gel with people. We were united by those who witnessed the demonstrations, who wollten the Veranstaltung. Your Worte focuses on everything that concerns the Nahost-Politics of the Biden-Harris-Regierung.

The Auftritt-seiner Stellvertreterin, for who had his place in Wahlkampf on Druck-seener Partei, where Biden is not present. Der 81-Jährige folgte die Rede aus dem Weißen Haus. Biden has been taken into Harris’ Wahlkampf generell kaum in Erscheinung. There is a strategy for the Democrats, the signalman will probably stop – after perhaps finding some other ways to cash in on the Monate, the backbone will be achieved.