
These 8 pairs are not glücklich together

These 8 pairs are not glücklich together

Since 2014 you have been an heir to singles at “Hochzeit auf den ersten Blick” of the jaw, but it is now a bit like you can do that. Never again an experiment in a Happy End. There is a couple who are neither hot nor happy sisters.

Herzklopfen und der Traum von der ganz großen Liebe?

Das Wichtigste in Kürze

That is “Hochzeit at the first glance”

The concept of “Hochzeit at the first glance” is as simple as it goes: a wild human environment, regardless of the fact that we live in it.

There is an expert for these unique experiments: the teilnehmer trio: they can make a lupe and put together the perfect pair constellations after erasing the aspects.

That Expert: collecting

  • Dr. Sandra Köhldorfer has learned about the psychotherapeutic methods of singles who know their knowledge and skills from their page.
  • Couple and sexual therapist Beate Quinn have immersed themselves in the sex education and treatment of teilnehmer:innen.
  • Diploma-psychologist Markus Ernst is specialized in testing, assessment and interpretation of the scientific tests.

The experiment was successful with these few

Can we become a lover of science? And oh! If you see a “Hochzeit auf the first glance”, the fact is that it is still a few glücklich verheiratet. Diese Ehen stops auch heute noch:

Alexandra and Heiko crown their lives with a “Hochzeit 2.0”

Alexandra and Heiko were the first couple of the 10. Staffel "Higher time on the first Blick".
Alexandra and Heiko were the first couple of the 10. Staffel “Hochzeit auf den Eerste Blick”.© SAT.1 / Christoph Assmann

Alexandra and Heiko learned to know and lie in the anniversary staff of “Hochzeit auf den ersten Blick”. When they wrote to the Senior Marketing Manager and the IT Computer Scientist the next day, they would start studying in May 2024.

At night both Turteltauben das die Zusammenziehen In Angriff it is true that next summer a bigger meilenstein will enter his life: if the inheritance is there, it is a great chance in the final.

Marina and Robert: Forever Liebe

Robert and Marina were about to die "Higher time on the first Blick" I am Jubiläumsjahr.
Robert and Marina were “Hoogzeit at the first Blick” in the anniversary year.© SAT.1 / Christoph Assmann

If Marina and Robert no longer know what a Knistern in the Luft is, it is because the Standesamt has less traffic.

The trauma couple of 10. Staffel could no longer say: Mittlerweile has sucked the project out of Berlin in Marina nach Dormagen, which they both sold on Instagram in June 2024. “That is the first love, the love for a wonderful life”, focuses on the Medizinische Fachangestellte and its followers: women and warmth dabei in the high tones of his Ehe mit Traummann Robert.

No conversation, no money: Marina and Kai

Marina and Kai learned in the anniversary Staffel von "Higher time on the first Blick" knowing and lying.
Marina and Kai learned to know and lie during the anniversary celebration of “Hochzeit auf den Eerste Blick”.© SAT.1/Christoph Assmann

Ebenfalls in the anniversary year kept Marina and Kai informed for a while and saw “Hoogzeit at the first Blick”. With Erfolg: Aus Wissenschaft wurde Liebe.

I thoroughly enjoyed the IT consultant’s best journey and personal experience on April 2024: “Nach monatelanger Renovierung sind wir endlich in unsere gemeinsame Wohnung zücken,” he said about a couple in an Instagram post.

Jaqueline and Peter venture with the next Schritt

Jaqueline and Peter go to Staffel 9 das Jawort.
Jaqueline and Peter go to Staffel 9 das Jawort.© SAT.1/Christoph Assmann

They are in the 9. Staffel of “Hochzeit auf den ersten Blick” gefunden: When Peter and Jaqueline have a different way of traveling their first time, this is so pleasant. No wonder that they both die in the Staffel for the first time. “I feel confident, I have come to terms with it,” Peter said.

It’s a few glücklicher than you. While the einstige Hürde, the Entfernung, is mentioned: Jaqueline is the mittlerweile of Peter nach Bayern sucked. Ihr neuer Wohnort: Munich.

Michaela and Oliver in Liebesglück

The plan is to write the following text: Michaela and Oliver from Staffel 9.
The plan is to write the following text: Michaela and Oliver from Staffel 9.© SAT.1/Christoph Assmann

Also Michaela and Oliver fanned in Staffel 9 Zueinander. If you are aware of the “Hochzeit auf the first glance” you start a happy Ehesein kann.

Make sure you have the right amount of food for your Oliver. “There was happiness in the light of this experiment (…). Oliver, Thank you, for your next visit. Thank you for your help with Monate. I am grateful for your gratitude,” said Michaela to Follower:innen on Instagram with.

Simone and Marcus end their private lives

In der 8. Staffel "Higher time on the first Blick" entschied themselves Simone and Marcus for that Ehe. It's no longer possible.
In the 8. Staffel “Hochzeit auf den Eerste Blick” Simone and Marcus see for that Ehe. It’s no longer possible.© SAT.1/Christoph Assmann

In der 8. Staffel von “Hochzeit auf de beste Blick” Power is with Simone and Marcus Klick. When the divorce takes place, Marcus has a lore in the package: There is a power fraud that has given everyone an inheritance right. Is it possible to start with the gemeinsame Zukunft geben?

After the Dreharbeiten has sucked Simone and Marcus out of the Öffentlichkeit zurück. It’s a good thing that they are both glücklich verheiratet.

Annika and Manuel are a team that doesn’t work together

After all, I will spend 7 days with Annika and Manuel while I look at it - with pleasure!
After all, I will spend 7 days with Annika and Manuel while I look at it – with pleasure!© SAT.1/Christoph Assmann

After seeing the jaw in Staffel 7, the communication between Annika and Manuel became clear. While they are both busy in their Grenzen style, they go up the freshly vermählte Paar nicht and kampfte a seine Beziehung.

And then: Mittlerweile and Annika and Manuel are a team of sisters. I think I will have been crowned with the community in September 2022.

Ramona and Stephan are best friends

Ramona and Stephan are a big Tag "Higher time on the first Blick" in Staffel3.
Ramona and Stephan play a bigger tag at “Hochzeit auf den ersten Blick” in Staffel 3.© ZA.1

This is the previous couple from “Hochzeit auf den ersten Blick”: Ramona and Stephan. In der 3. Staffel both die during the Blind Date at the Standesamt – with Erfolg! The experiment is functioning so well that we have “started another study,” Stephan said in the interview on SAT.1.

Heute führen sie noch immer een glückliche Ehe – en stopn mittlerweile sogar ihr großes Glück in den Handen: Sohn Elias.

“Hochzeit auf den ersten Blick” – new episode, from October 28, 2024 to Monday 8:15 PM in SAT.1 and on Joyn die uneinzigartige Einblicke op 11. Staffel bereits from October 21, 2024 exclusively on Joyn.

Here you will find the full package of “Hochzeit auf the first glance”