
Discussion about a possible Schließung verärgert Leserin

Discussion about a possible Schließung verärgert Leserin

The Kreistag is separated from the Notaufnahme in Varel in November. A teacher offers a 24/7 note in the Ort, no modified variant with telemedizin.

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Notaufnahme at St. Johannes Hospital in Varel

Now the Poltik also dies in the Vareler St.-Johannes-Hospital with complete care, with the understanding that it is not possible to have more patients! Where do you want to go? Dezember 2023, Montagvormittag gegen 10.30 Uhr… mein Hausarzt überweist mich roads more extreme Rückenschmerzen in die Notaufnahme in Varel! The Notaufnahme is already rattled full of patients. The lady from the well says that’s how it is, that it’s an issue and there can’t be any spritz! Hilfe is small here!! I am very happy with the Schmerzen under the news of the NDR or RTL to inform, we have an experience in Orthopedics! Weitergeschickt nach Sanderbusch! In the meantime, there is no free place, the walk is full with patients, you are in another stadium of Verzweiflung! Gegen Nachmittags around 3.30 PM I will be there at the end of the day!

Of course, come bei Solcher Hilfe keine Patients more nach Varel! And telemedizin… who will enjoy an 800 kilometer long Arzt festival at Monitor, including Schlaganfall, Magendurchbruch, Darmverschluss etc.! Hellseherische Fähigkeiten? We meet the people from the Umland with zB Jade, Jaderberg, Schweiburg, Bockhorn and Hilfe! Those Hausarztpraxen are not overcrowded, there is no problem and it is not that it is a problem or in the Wochenende – where is it? Ich if Laie is separated, 112 anrufen RTW anfordern or selber in Zukunft 20 to 40 Kilometers in the nächste Notaufnahme rasen? What fear of reality and contempt for humanity are such a single policy? Here would the Menschenwürde mit Füßen bereten (die lt. Paragraph 1 unseres Grundgesetzes unantastbar)! Wait a minute, that you will be responsible for such a political situation and that you will be happy, and that you will be able to post it!!

Sabine Krienke


Since Friday 2024, the St. Johannes Hospital has been noted, in the best possible terms during the time of telemedicine.

Anuschka Kramer

Sarom Siebenhaar
