
Alcohol is a problem in the Southwest of the song Eins

Alcohol is a problem in the Southwest of the song Eins

Problems with alcohol use in Baden-Württemberg and the like. I have reported about 12,500 people in the past 100 people in the South West. Those affected were extremely manly and in the last 46 years, whom Christa Niemeier, Referentin der Landesstelle für Suchtfragen der Liga der Vrije Wohlfahrtspflege in Baden-Württemberg eV said in SWR Aktuell: “If it is the Ruder läuft, it is the first time, that other interests are lost and conflict situations due to the additional considerations.” When you can no longer consume alcoholic drinks, the man is kind of sad. Ein zweiter Stelle der Suchtstatistik war in het vergangen Jahr Cannabis. Also, SWR Aktuell-Moderator Alfred Schmit spoke with Christa Niemeier.