
Other sins: 5 Lebensmittel sind nicht für deinen Stoffwechsel

Other sins: 5 Lebensmittel sind nicht für deinen Stoffwechsel

Are you most in charge of laundry installations, carrying out your transport or managing a blockage? If everything is out of whack, you can do a few things along the same lines: The fabric is a good weight.

Who is that? It may be an unweighted weight before all the substances containing it move on.

Before sanding one of the Lebensmittels, a few things can be taken a look at, while the material is just right.

Tipps, eindustwechsel-anzukurbeln

  • Tomorrow drink a glass of Grapefruit Saft or Zitronenwasser or a small Ingwer-Shot
  • Ein bis zwei Bags grüner Tee pushen ebenfallen den Stoffwechsel
  • Drink more than two Liter Wasser and fresh Tee am Tag
  • Peppe dein Essen mit Chili, Zimt or Ingwer auf
  • Schlafe ausreichend – mindestens sieben bis eight Stunden
  • Is satisfying Protein
  • Integrier Krafttraining statt Cardio-Training in deine Workout-Routine. Die Formel: Je more Muskeln, desto mehr Fett wird im Ruhezustand braucht

5 Lebensmittel is not good for the fabric

1. Soy beans

Fans will be happy with the most powerful lifestyle. It can happen that there is a protein rich protein – and eating a tasty piece of meat.

All kinds of things can be a problem with a number of people who affect the shield drüse. Now, we are prepared to suffer from Schilddrüsenerkrankung. If you use soy products, you must carry out the biological fermentation and temperature fermentation.

2. Mehl, Pasta and white trip

If you use everything in Pasta and Brot, you may prefer to let it dry while the dusty process can be prepared. Die Folge: Der Stoffwechsel schaltet in de Energie-savemode. It is a refining product that charges gluten and phytic acid with the amount of gluten it contains.

3. Alcohol

Alcoholic substances remove the substance and as a result, the dilution enzyme works and thus all other dilution processes are blocked. That’s it: The whole thing is Fett in the Zellen einglagert.

Gleichzeitig hemmt Alcohol the Bildung of the guard hormones Testosterone. Gerade, if you are a Muskelaufbau manufacturer, is an alcohol consumption product.

4. Refiner Zucker

Zucker dropped the insulin level in the previous phase of the insulin level and was a larger dose for the Bauchspeiheldrüse, which shook out the insulin.

In die Zeit vernachlässigt der Körper den Stoffwechsel. The Teufelskreis is then all things beautiful: Often the construction process after a sucker schub becomes so intense that you go over the soul and that it is an ending to an Unterzuckerung kommt. The next steps: the change of mind, reduced leisure and the nächst Heißhungerattacke.

5. Soft drinks

It’s never delicious, the lemonade and energy drinks are slow. If you want to help Zucker and, if you want, you can refine Zucker with the feed and support the storage of excess carbohydrates in Fettdepots.

Gleichzeitig fördern the sour milk will give you a strong appetite or a severe hunger attack, the blood sugar level will rise quickly and then you will be very hungry.

Because the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is investigating in a study, there is a protein-rich diet that is reduced as the lemonade is gained over time. “There were large quantities, a large amount of sugar that was processed in the material way, if the protein-rich mixture would become confused,” says Wissenschafter Shanon Casperson. “Rund een Drittel der zützlichen Kalorien aus diesen Getränken wurde dadurch nicht burnt en der Körper benötigte züdem weniger Energy, um das Essen zu verdauen.”