
AG Karlsruhe implements Fanprojekt-Mitarbeiter

AG Karlsruhe implements Fanprojekt-Mitarbeiter

Three fan project workers refused after a pyro action in the Aussage football stadium. They would like to make a representation of the fans. Das AG Karlsruhe verurteilteilte de Sozialarbeiter nun zu Geldstrafen.

The Amtsgericht (AG) Karlsruhe has jurisdiction over the KSC fan project roads regarding the implementation of the Penal Code § 258 Abs. 1, 4, 22, 23 Abs. 1 Strafgesetzbuch (StGB) in 21 Fällen zu Geldstrafen verurteilt (Urt. v. 28.10.2024, Az. 17 Cs 530 Js 45512/23). After a Pyro-Vorfall at the Zweitligaspiel of the Karlsruher SC against FC St. Pauli in November 2022, it is worth buying the sozialarbeiter, in the future when they are broadcast. Der Fall-sorgte in de fanprojekten bundesweit für Unruhe.

At the Pyro-Aktion in the Karlsruhe Wildpark Stadium, the best two years more people were lost. The parts of the fan projects were in the rapids that are more diverse and different in terms of results, which were rejected aber ihre Aussage. Deshalb wurden jetzt jeweils 90 Tagessätze van 90, 70 und 45 Euro verhängt. The Staatsanwaltschaft has a higher criminal law. The legal forces can file a lawsuit. If you create a message, you should know that it is worth convincing the fans of the fans and that they are willing to pay for it.

Fanhilfen-Dachverband emmpört

When the pyrotechnic equipment is used, the likelihood of a major optical action being taken before the start of the game or after the own man’s tower increases, while the files differ from a subculture within the football balls. Once you know how the organization of fans and associations is organized, your control is exercised and the takedown of Pyrotechnik has never been easier. This dialogue can be undone by the broken work. Following the Versammlungsstättenverordnungen der Länder, nach § 24 of the Security Guidelines of the German Fußball-Bundes eV (DFB) and the Stadionordnungen, Zünden von Pyrotechnik in Stadion grundsätzlich verboten.

It is “discourageable and in the absurd situation”, teilte der Dachverband der Fanhilfen auf Anfrage der dpa provided The “sellschaftlich gewünschte” Arbeit der Fanprojekt-Mitarbeitenden became “gezielt criminalisiert and sometimes unmöglich gemacht. It is braucht endlich a zeugnisverweigerungsrecht in der sozialen Arbeit”.

An attempt is being made to get onto the Gaming Commission. “If you see that the social economy in society is so good, this is a perspective of a right path,” teilte der Club met. The Production of the three Fanprojekt-Mitarbeitenden bedauerte der Verein*.

The guideline is in the autumn of the medium term “if there is an attack due to the deterioration of the transfer during the settlement by the ermittlungsrichter who has carried out light investigation, the Penalty Follow-up of one of the Pyro-Aktion Beteiligten zu verzögern or ganz zu prevent”. If you start performing a hinge, your Aussage will become mandatory. It is one of the best things if it is not an Aussageverweigerungsrecht, which has its own criminal prosecution, but a right of refusal.

In the case of social justice, there is now an unlawful right of refusal. The Federal Government has implemented a reform.


With material from dpa

* Anm. D. Rood.: Vereinsstatement ergänzt am Tag der Veröffentlichung, 3:51 PM

Safeguarding Kanzleien


Roads Aussageverweigerung at Pyro-Ermittlungen: . In: Legal Tribune Online, 29.10.2024, (abgerufen am: 30.10.2024 )

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