
Jugend erklärt: Dubai Chocolate

Jugend erklärt: Dubai Chocolate

Everything can be seen in social media: Trends. Kleidung, Musiker and Essen often come in and go out. Also worth the effort and then nothing more. The new hit was Essen at the Dubai Schokolade.

Chocolate with etwas Pistazie: That’s 15 euros

Dubai Schokolade is a large table or Riegeln with Zartbitterchokolade. If you find a thick cream from the pistachio and thin layer, it will also be used in English. This is a Schokolade with an oriental touch – deshalb wohl auch Dubai Schokolade. It is no longer possible to pay the full price. 14.90 Euro was required for 190 grams of the trendy Schokolade. And the fact that the Schokolade is sold in its loaded condition on the first of this month is a different world. In others the small table is often even more annoying. The dish deserves the award with the high quality of the product. Auch in Königsbrunn can be a man who buys leckerei.

All the sparrows are running

Was sagen the influencer? „Run! If you use this specific load, you can buy the Dubai Chocolate. A problem could occur. If the Pistaziencreme, the man with the Selbermachen of the Food Trends, will soon become more.

That with their running is not new. There may be trends that show the influence of running. Is it a tolles for clothes – letztes Weihnachten war is eines with Glitzer and Schleifchen? “Mädels, run to H&M!” Is the RedBull Advent Calendar on sale? “Hey, go to the supermarket as quickly as possible!” It was on the market, someone has a new product or is it possible that you see it? “Don’t walk. Run!” (Lauft nicht. Runnt!)

In the loser, Folge followed an 18-year-old Kollegin nicht nur, aber auch die Jugendsprache. Here it is worth looking at the Jugendsprache-Serie.