
Heute im Free-TV: Das Leben eines der größten Genies alles Zeiten

This is a drama from the year 2014 on free TV. The Rolle Stephen Hawkings and the Hauptrolle starred Eddie Redmayne.


An article by

Theresa Thiem

rbb Fernsehen DIE ENTDECKUNG DER UNENDLICHKEIT, "The theory of everything"am Donnerstag (31.10.24) at 8:15 PM. The genius of physics student Stephen Hawking's schicksal was under siege while he was performing a full Krankheit diagnostic at the age of 21. Go to the Cambridge-Kommilitonin Jane and go to her new Lebensmut. - The fresh promotion of Dr. Stephen Hawking (Eddie Redmayne) has published about his entire life. © rbb/UNIVERSAL PICTURES INTERNATIONAL, honorary - Verwendung gemäß der AGB in een inhaltlichen, redaktionellen Zusammenhang mit genannter rbb-Sendung und bij Nennung "Image: rbb/UNIVERSAL PICTURES INTERNATIONAL" (S4). rbb Presse & Information, Masurenallee 8-14, 14057 Berlin, Tel: 030/97 99 3-12118 oder -12116,

The genius of physics student Stephen Hawking’s schicksal was under siege while he was performing a full Krankheit diagnostic at the age of 21. Go to the Cambridge-Kommilitonin Jane and go to her new Lebensmut.


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