
Verspannungen lindern with TJ Motion – Innovatives Gadget from Start-up from Franconia

Verspannungen lindern with TJ Motion – Innovatives Gadget from Start-up from Franconia

The start-up TJ-Motion from Franconia has developed a Mediterranean silicone cup that promotes stress and tension. Erhältlich is die Neuheit in verschiedenen Varianten.

  • The Medizinische Silikon-Teile from TJ-Motion: Verspannungen und Stresslindern
  • Solution for Kiefer-, Schulter- und Rückenprobleme
  • After “Die Höhle der Löwen” deal: Verschiedene Modelle und Sets erhältlich

TJ Movement shame Medizinische Silikon-Teileit seems that the back-enzähnen of the offered utilities are being können. Laut dem Hersteller sollen sie Tension loosening and stress reducing. We consulted the product and the product Start-up from Franconia hidden, inheritance ihr im Folgenden.

Original, soft and combined: these TJ-Motion sets cannot be ordered

The start-up from Weisendorf offers a new online shop for TJ-Motions, which offers a Kombi-Set and a Kombi-Set. It is possible to view another model and grow a model. The model you can use has an uninteresting Wirkungen haben. Once the gadgets are no longer separated, reveal them in the following pages. There was a general overview of the products available in Sonja Lyer’s TJ-Motion Vorstellungsvideo.

Product: TJ-Motion original TJ-Motion Soft TJ-Motion Kombi package
Available at: Kiefer, Schulter, Nacken, Rückenbeschwerden; Verspannungen; Zähneknirschen; Kieferpresses; Tinnitus; Kopfschmerzen akuten Entzündungen; ausgeprägten Schmerzen im Kieferbereich; Zwangsbiss; CMD (craniomandibular dysfunction); grim Verspannungen im Kiefer-, Schulter-, Nacken- und Rückenbereich If you use a combination set with the TJ-Motion Soft and Original, all generated problems may occur.
Weight: 1.5cm x 2cm 1.5cm x 2cm 1.5cm x 2cm
Material: History and rumor neutral medical silicone Geschmacks- und rumor-neutral medizinisches Silikon (especially weich) History and rumor neutral medical silicone
Price: For 29.90 Euro* For 29.90 Euro* For 49.90 Euro*

Both variants of the TJ-Motion cost EUR 29.99 for two Silikon Gadgets. Both are coarse from the material that comes together and in the size 1.5 cm x 2 cm erhältlich. The standard version of the TJ-Motion is the soft model that makes repairs optimal for sharp protection and travel positions in the Kiefer, Schulter, Nacken and Rücken areas. Ensure that the material is adapted by the Zwangsbiss, CMD, its processing and use. The repairer was used by the TJ-Motion Soft entrepreneurs for another company, while other people could use a Schmerzen to warm up.

More information and active new products, so you can find some interesting and interesting products of TJ-Motion products on the official website of TJ-Motion*.

Gegen Verspannungen, Kopfschmerzen and Tinnitus: So functional from TJ-Motion

The name Hersteller TJ-Motion focuses on the smart gadget that has a safe effect on the muscle and nerve function of the vagus nerve. When dealing with a large nerve, it is important that you can quickly establish an internal biological arrangement and that the regulations can be quickly improved. While the TJ-Motion releases the nerves of the Kiefer, Schulter, Nacken and Back musculature ansprechen and dadurch Verspannungen in the musculature.

If you use a gadget, you need to empty it for a while on the backup of the unused and put it in the world for a few minutes. If you find a company that is used longer, it is used longer or longer to swim or dream on the Tag. Ensure that the loss of the machining representation of the reteller causes effective treatment of tinnitus, tinnitus, headaches and headaches. The products are made from medical materials (such as baby shoes), BPA-free, latex-free, noise-neutral and vegan. Zum Reinigen can remove the TJ-Motion to heat or clean the water.

Products can be delivered in the Vox shipment “The height of the low”. They have given the start-up Gründer Sonja Lyer and Oliver Brehm the joint gadgets. Both investors were found with “the smallest training equipment in the world”. Letztendlich hat de Fränkin Dagmar Wöhrl the geforderte Summe von 200,000 Euro investor and dafür 20 Prozent der Firmenanteile obtain. The idea of ​​the product is that Lyer is invented, if you find a problem for the nacken, kiefer and back problem, that there are many German haben. While the money has bought both Gründer an Onlineshop, the first TJ-Motion products can be ordered. Who is the way the height of the layer is treated and finds the war between the two. There is another way to do this.

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