
Berlin: Mann ließ Tasche mit Terror-Sprengstoff und S-Bahnhof zurück | Regional

Berlin: Mann ließ Tasche mit Terror-Sprengstoff und S-Bahnhof zurück | Regional

Berlin – When the Federal Police in the Mittwochnachmittag check a Mann at the Berliner S-Bahnhof Neukölln, they want the Gleise davon, lost dabei a Tasche. Darin: a gräuliche substance, a plastic bottle with durable umwickelte and a paper tube with other cables. After BILD information acts, this is the basis of a very explosive Sprengstoff TATP.

Unter Polizisten wird TATP auch “Mutter des Satans” embarrassing!

The Feuerwehr rückt in the Berliner Park, in the Beutel sprengt wurde, a

The Feuerwehr rückt in the Berliner Park, in the Tasche sprengt wurde, a

Photo: Olaf Wagner

Triacetone triperoxide is a high explosive, it is more dangerous in Islamist Terror attacks enjoyed. The gray white powder, the first after the long recovery, is highly explosive. While charging, warming, heating or funking, the explosion can be so comfortable.

The Sprengstoffs’ support measures would deprive the terrorists of Brussels and the Paris Bataclan of funds. Auch by dem Attention, the Taylor Swift concert in Vienna is scaredsmall Mengen TATP were founded.

Außerdem wurde ein Ausweis gefunden, der als gestohlen or der unterschlagen gilded. You can watch these videos of the fleeced suspects.

Mann flüchtete über Gleise

At 3:45 p.m. a war of the Bundespolizei had fallen on the S-Bahnhof Neukölln and Mann. If you want more control, but it is wider, you can use the Gleise.

The fact is that the police left the bag with the suspected inhalation, so that part of the Australian population was lost.

Firefighters have Löcher im Park aus

Firefighters have Löcher im Park aus

Photo: Olaf Wagner

A bald war in which experts make it clear to us, it is at the substanz, who dies in the fundraising campaign, half a kilo of the TATP trade of the Sprengstoffs. Dann has to do it quickly. Der Fundort would have a bad effect. Weitere Sprengstoff-Experten and Entschärfer rückten an, brought the explosive Tasche into a Park and the Thomasstraße. Dort hoben Feuerwehrkräfte Löcher aus, dann sprengten Entschärfer die Substanz. Die Explosion war nor Hunderte Meter takes place.

Die Polizei setzte underdessen die Spurensuche am Bahnhof and im Umkreis fort, see photos of the umbrella rooms in the Bahnhof Berlin-Neukölln. Darauf soll der Dächtige zu sehen sein.

A politician and dem für de Sprengung ausgehobenen Loch

A politician and dem für de Sprengung ausgehobenen Loch

Photo: Olaf Wagner

Ausweis gehort Poland (30)

The information provided by the suspect at the signal flight is lost after the police information has lasted 30 years in Poland. The document appeared on January 21, 2022 as stohlen or unreported messages. If the man acts, there is first information that does not appear in Poland in Ausweis. It will be a police “Super Recognizer” on whatever security videos there may be.

If the problem arises, the man will appeal abroad.

Polizei-Gewerkschafter sauer auf Ampel

Rainer Wendt, Boss der Polizeigewerkschaft, is responsible for the regulation

Rainer Wendt, Boss der Polizeigewerkschaft, is responsible for the regulation

Photo: photo alliance / dts-Agentur

Rainer Wendt (67), Principal Broadcaster of the German Police Force (DPolG) at BILD: “The Bundespolizei can easily start a Bahnhof with automatic video analysis of terror suspects and the traffic they see. If that is not the case, we will reject the Ampel-das-gesetz and the notnauwe Haushaltsmittel. One of the previous data speicherung can bring the hint of the back door and the hint of Schloss and Riegel, one of the terrorists out there. If everything has not happened, Deutschland is very blocked in the seriousness of the terrorist action.”