
Bürgermeister sees positive Fazit, plans no erneute Kandidatur

Bürgermeister sees positive Fazit, plans no erneute Kandidatur

Michael Kurz sees a positive Fazit after his years as Bürgermeister von Brake. Nothing would happen in 2026.

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Sehr geehrter Herr Kurz, mit zehn Jahren Abstand: Fiel Ihnen der Start als Bürgermeister 2014 leicht?

Michael KurzThe Amt des Bürgermeisters can spoil a person with confidence. The war that has not been carried out is so simple that the problem cannot be made worse. Once the time comes, it is worth inquiring and looking at the jewelry that exists.

Sour person

Michael Kurz
Bürgermeister was published on November 1, 2014
in Rem. It is lost that the Vorgänger Roland Schiefke as Leiter der Verwaltung ab. Michael Kurz was born on August 28, 1962 in Karlsruhe. Seine Mutter is Ur-Brakerin and wardamals have been robbed in Bad Herrenalb. Kurz nach der Geburt is dan wieder nach Brake. Vor seiner Zeit als Bürgermeister war Michael Kurz

Police officer. From 2001 to October 31, 2014 there was war at the Wasserschutzpolizei Niedersachsen in Oldenburg, Brake, Meppen and Stade in unterschiedlichen Funktionen, Zuletzt Polizeihauptkommissar and Dienststellenleiter der WSP in Stade, tätig.

Do you have a kitchen, who is the mayor?

Michael KurzA concept in the classroom It is never all glaube, that is a DAS concept, anyone who is a mayor is not very good. You must find the way to find out, who is/sie das Amt ausfüllt. Anyway, this man is authentic and can make the herausforderungen recognized and loose. If all goes well, this is how you can make your money.

You should see Krisen in the future, or?

Michael KurzYes, Krisen goes public over the years. Ownership relations will be a standard in critical situations and were commanded. It was a fact that the financing of the city at the beginning of the Amtszeit, the Corona pandemic, the Ukraine-Krieg and the cousin of both Havarien and the Eisenbahnbrücke in Elsfleth, would continue the long term of the Bahnverkehrs and that they would have a could take a while for the Häfen Brake and Nordenham führten. Rat and Verwaltung are immersed in the Krisensituationen in en vertrauensvoll jijammengearbeitet, so if it is possible, that with all Herausforderungen, which a single Krisensituationen auferlegt haben, well gemeistert haben.

Which separations in the zurückliegenden Jahren zählen Sie zu ihren Erfolgen?

Michael KurzGrundsätzlich within ich der Meinung, dass man “Erfolge” for a city not only erreicht. There is a good way to make a good choice between the verwaltung and the rat. This hat has a good effect. The gut results list is one of the best things you can see. If you are another member of the liquidity credits in the high price of Millionen Euro until the end of 2021, the Schaffung of 200 sister Kita-Plätzen, the full-fledged conversion of the Feuerwehrbedarfsplans and of course the Quartiersentwicklung “Ladestraße” with der Neubau Grundschule Harrien and der Katholiek Kindertagesstätte sees the purchase of three residential buildings and a new Gewerbegebiet. More mistakes may have been made. If the natural initiative is there, the initiative is taken by my initiative and my sister is accepted. Dazu zählen de Ansiedlung der Firma Hema-Tec auf dem ehemaligen Lühring-Werftgelände, the Ansiedlung der Firma Hlyfe, die in Hafen a Wasserstoffherstellongsanlage baut, and the Entscheidung der Firma Olenex, the Standort Brake disables and dies in Brake, the great European Factory zur Restoration of Lebensmittel-Ölen und Fetten entstehen zu lassen.

Who should replace the brakes?

Michael KurzI turn the Entwicklung unserer Stadt positive. Gemeinsam had a Verwaltung and Rat fell op en voor de zukünftige Entwicklung de Weichen gestellt. We can expand the “Städtebauförderung” program so that we can achieve positive results for eight to eight years of the Innenstadt area. An initial plan for the renovation of Häusern in the Hafenstraße has brought a change to the road. Der Hafen has begun, here has begun, the planning rights rights will be acquired. The St. Bernard Hospital is closed. Our home has been stable since 2014 and has no longer been forecast, it has increased by 1.3 percent since 2014.

Which cultural and leisure projects are more interesting?

Michael KurzIf all goes well, it concerns a large Vielfalt in an uninhabited city. Here is some reclaiming, don’t stop for soul führend. A new one, based on an initiated project, is the most important. It is a matter of dealing with the new development of the free bathing area and the part of cultural and sports centers. For this you get 5.4 million euros and you have the opportunity to buy a leisure park with natural pools, so that art in Germany is single. The Ergebnisse our two Workshops der Bürgerbeteiligung bestätigen mich das, is one of the most important projects for our City in the region of the world.

What visions and souls are there for the future of the city?

Michael KurzThe Rat der Stadt has for a few years the Vision Brake 2030 an einstimmig deschloss. The fact that a disease has emerged will provide a vision of the future. The digitalization of the Verwaltung, the implementation of the Ganztagsschulbetriebs from 2026, the Improvement of the Road Infrastructure is a bit sick, which is on an unused To-do-List. About the financial aspects of the city we can look at.

Were you sure that in 2026 you would be happy with your life as a Bürgermeister?

Michael KurzThe Amtszeit for Bürgermeister/Bürgermeisterinnen is for the Gesetz für die kommende Wahl in the year 2026 to be celebrated for eight years. Ich bin dann 64 Jahre alt and habe insgesamt 48 Arbeitsjahre hinter mir. Der Job des Bürgermeisters is a herausfordernd and zeintensiv. Once it does, after eight years it will take 72 years longer. If all goes well, it is nachvollziehbar, that is after cooking, if the intensification of the treatment is continued, not wieder for the Amt des Bürgermeisters van kandieren.

Ulrich Schlüter