
Trump accuses US-Sender CBS – more political Schachzug?

Trump accuses US-Sender CBS – more political Schachzug?

Donald Trump lost a million dollars for a day. Elon Musk has massive Wahlkampf support for Trump. All information in news blog.

1 hour: Donald Trump has received the reporting on the US-Sender CBS News. There is a media interview with the kontrahentin Kamala Harris who is manipulating the Democrats using their targeted document. Demnach fordert Trump zehn Billiarden US-Dollar Schadenersatz (etwa neun Md. Euro). If a player in Texas calls on the lime, then fall has become a conservative aimer. The follow-up results are considered light – it is probably a political matter that will act before the Präsidentschaftswahl on November 5.

The Streit hates this season in October and an interview with Harris in the Politik-Sendung “60 Minutes” etcündet, in the fact that Israel will go to war with its theme. CBS has a pair of verschiedene Ausschnitte ihrer Antwort und two aufeinanderfolgenden Tagen aus. This segmentation is done with the Trump announcement, CBS has taken Harris in a slightly dark direction. Trump’s response to the request for the full interview transcripts was CBS able. The sender who performed and performed the manipulations is a single segmentation that produces a time effect of a given transmission.

00.45: Kamala Harris hat for basketball superstar LeBron James’ US presidential election. “If my children and my family think and who they want to become, that is the Wahl for my clarity. WÄHLT KAMALA HARRIS!!!”, wrote of the 39-year-old of the Los Angeles Lakers in the Donnerstag at X, ehemals Twitter.

He posted to James a video montage of a rassismus informing Donald Trump of Sonntag at New York’s Madison Square Garden. That Wahl in the US comes in handy.

Over the years, James has regularly spotted Democratic candidates and worked with Trump’s ex-presidents via Twitter. For the three-time Olympiad, Harris’ world featured prominently, including music superstars Taylor Swift, Beyonce and Bruce Springsteen.

5.53 pm: Now that few states are separated, the US-Wahl are won. Something else could happen. But here were great Hurden. Read more here.

5.17 pm: Donald Trump has lost more than a million dollars – and has now become a Tag. This message comes from the American sender “CNN”. The company that Firma Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG) founded has achieved a turnover of 22.3 percent: the big Tagesverlustiging is the growth in the market.

Damit hat Trump dem Bericht zufolge stolze 1.3 Billions of dollars lost. When the press had received a $5.9 billion loan on service on the second day of the month, at $4.6 billion in the Mittwoch. It is unclear what is being done. The Unternehmen have not received any new ideas that could clarify the Vorfall.

Analysts are confused, the technical factors could give a ground-breaking signal. It may be that the hype is an action after a long day at work. I think it’s a good thing that Trump won the VS-Wahl kommende.