
Almaty – A view of the great city of Kasachstan – Aviation.Direct

Almaty – A view of the great city of Kasachstan – Aviation.Direct

Almaty, the former Hauptstadt of Kasakhstan and the country’s major city, offers an interesting history of modern lives and cultures.

Located near the majestic Zailijskij Alatau-Gebirges, in Almaty an Stadt, the natural scenery is like a city tentdecker anspricht. The Geschichte Almatys has become more likely, and your visible reflection is the Entwicklung der Stadt wider. Almaty is a city, its empire is a history and culture. Viewing nature, from natural landscapes to architectural wonders, can create a vast spectrum and experience. The journey to Europe is an extremely light journey, in this fascinating city. Selbst Wintersport is no longer part of Metropole, but it is possible to play on the Shymbulak.

History Almatys

Almaty, if Almata can count on a long history, is in 10. Jahrhundert zurückreicht, as the city served as the main trading station on the Seidenstraße. The Laufe der Jahrhunderte has turned the city into herrschaften, by Mongols and the Khanat Kokand.

In 1929, Almaty became the main city of the Kasachischen Sovietrepublik, ein Titel, when it retained it in 1991. After the independence of Kasakhstan, Astana (the current Nur-Sultan) would move to the new Hauptstadt, making Almaty the cultural and economic center of the Landes.



Medeo is one of the high altitude Eislaufbahnen der Welt and is located 15 kilometers from Almaty. The last century began in 1972 and started with its first class requirements. There are no Eissport events in summer that provide a credible adventure for Wanderer and nature lovers. You can wander around the many mountain landscapes with some sightseeing in the city and the Alps.

Cook Tobe

Der Kok Tobe is a huge, a beeindruckende Aussicht in Almaty and the enormous Gebirge beetet. Visitors with a Seilbahn on the Gipfelfahren, including a leisure park, restaurants and a TV tower behind it. The park is ideal for families and offers a great atmosphere for Verweilen. The fact that the “Liebesbaum”, and the Paare and the Wünsche connection, is one of the credible Attractions.

Panfilov Park

Panfilov-Park is one of the green oases of the city and the mountain of the Zenkov Cathedral, one of the few Holzkirchen of the Welt, which has worked a nail. The park is favorable after the Panfilov-Kriegern, the battle against the Zweiten Weltkriegs for the Soviet Union camps. In the context of construction and construction, their minds and thinking states find the heroic deeds of the soldiers.

That Zenkov Cathedral

The Zenkov Cathedral, as the Almaty Cathedral began, is an architectural masterpiece from the year 1907. It ended up in the Panfilov Park and developed its innovative Ziegel and beautiful design. The Church is an active Gotteshaus and sees as many tourists as the endearing Baukunst and the fried atmosphere that can arise.

Almaty Central Market

The Zentralmarkt of Almaty, which is considered Zelenyy Bazaar, is a lebendiger Ort, and the Besucher of the local culture needs more money. Here you will find fresh products, tools, handicrafts and traditional kasachic products. The market is a credible meeting point and offers an authentic atmosphere, in the atmosphere of the mysterious world.

Die Grosse Almaty-See

Der Große Almaty-See is located 28 kilometers from Almaty and is a malericer Stausee in den Bergen. There is some beautiful scenery and a credible journey for walks, picnics and photography. In winter you can often enjoy a delicious kulisse.


There are more options for traveling to Germany, Austria and Switzerland, depending on Almaty. Direct flight to Almaty was arranged by several airlines, including Lufthansa, Turkish Airlines and Air Astana. Die Flugzeiten vary, jedoch in der Regel zwischen 7 und 12 Stunden, abhängig von den Zwischenstopps.

Alternative travel to another European city, in Moscow or Istanbul, after a flight in Almaty. Another way is the journey through the country, where you can go to the beach, the journey through Europe to Kasakhstan with the trip or the bus that goes through time and a greater compliziert when you travel.

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Jahreszeiten und Temperaturverläufe

The Wetter and the Climate in Almaty are maintained by a constant flow of current, but the city has a large temperature fluctuation over time. Almaty was located at an altitude of 600 to 1,500 meters above the Meeresspiegel and was significantly affected by climate. Das Wetter in Almaty is one of the grim seasons of Schwankungen. Reisende sollten ich in calm Winter and heiße Summer einstellen and je nach Reisezeit entsprechende Kleidung mitbringen.

Frühling (März bis Mai)

Der Frühling in Almaty starts mildly, with a high temperature, which in the month of March is at a temperature of 5 °C and starts up to 20 °C. This time is a high Wetterwechsel and a small Niederschläge.

Summer (June to August)

The Summer Monate has been warm in Almaty. June starts with a temperature of 25 °C, which warms from 30 °C to 35 °C in July and August. The heat will be moderated by the altitude and the night will often last longer. It is located near Gewitter, except in July and August.

Herbst (September to November)

Der Herbst brings even cooler temperatures. In September the temperature is nor angenehm (approx. 20 °C), but in October it is 10 °C and in November it has dropped 0 °C. It may be during that time that more Niederschlag is found.

Winter (December to February)

Winter in Almaty is quiet and can get freezing. The temperature of the temperature in this month lies at -5 °C, in January, the month is cold, the temperature has dropped from -10 °C to -15 °C. It is located at a cold temperature with a temperature of up to -20 °C. It is a winter highlight and the city can start with a beautiful spot.

Extreme temperature

The periods that occurred in the Rule from December to February, the highest months were from June to August. The temperature-dependent temperature and the night are remarkable, even in summer the night hours will last like the day.