
Ehemaliges Hotel bei Woldegk wird Gemeinschaftsunterkunft für Flüchtlinge

Ehemaliges Hotel bei Woldegk wird Gemeinschaftsunterkunft für Flüchtlinge

The best best flight support in Gohren near Woldegk is a different Nutzung development after the Landkreises Mecklenburgische Seenplatte. The Ortsausgang is one of the best hotels in the area of ​​Friedländer Erstaufnahmeeinrichtung für Flüchtlinge aus der Ukraine genutzt. On November 1 this year, the object that left a community service for nationalities in Ukraine no longer functions.

Kreisstadt near Unterbringung am Limit

Over the previous phase, the Stadt Woldegk would first be established in the Vergelegenen Tagen vom Seenplatten-Landkreis. In the service that deals with the theme of the war with the young city government, Michael Löffler from the social development cooperation of the Landkreises works as a partner in Woldegk for the war. Zudem were Anja Lentz-Becker from AFZ (Ausbildungsförderzentrum) Friedland and a few other cases as representatives of the Trägers der Göhrener-inrichtung.

Laut Löffler has changed the Flüchtlingsgeschehen dahingehend, dass in de Woldegker Ortsteil keine Ukrainianr more unterbracht were müssen. Nevertheless, we still have to care for people who are fluffed after the erstwhile in the community. “We in Neubrandenburg are able to see a whole new understanding and a Leistungslimit erreicht. Wenn weitere Einrichtungen braucht, so it was clear, that is even more in the Fläche gehen muss”, explains Löffler.

Waitpersonal rund um die Uhr

They are now living together as a community with 87 places to live and are living together with their social support from a 100-year-old community. Experiences can be obtained from a beanspruchung of up to 75 per cent, also for 65 persons. Your personal life will last you that hour, while you spend your last week in your day. Tags became a social bet in the negotiation situation.

Lentz-Becker war for Offenheit gegenüber de ankommenden Menschen. Integration and knowledge of German culture has started now, when you get ready to learn. When thinking about and solving problems, you can come up with a solution and use a land district for your business operations. “The fear and sorrow are still present,” said Lentz-Becker.

First 20 persons until the end of the year

The house is expensive in Göhren. So Woldegk’s Citizen Tony Hyna found a Citizen in the Vorfeld of the Sitzung Schilderungen, won’t be disappointed in their experiences, and they came back in Dorf zu Diebstahl and Betteln. When the Vorwürfen is a man of the first hour, he is one of the social bets of the Einrichtung. “Wir brauchen eine Rückmeldung, Falls es solche Vorfälle gibt”, erklärten sie.

Gohrens leader Ralf Karberg has seized a number of things so that he can consult the information society of the Landkreises. Otherwise the information was not properly received. “Wir fangen nicht gleich an, fully zu stalen”, erklärte daraufhin Löffler. There was first a spark of 20 people to zum Jahreswechsel aus.

Poor bus connections, no ease of use

Dennoch, Karberg has dealt with infrastructural problems, it is a matter of doing it and it is possible to move. Keine Versorgungsmöglichkeiten in Dorf, no ingenious Busanbinding together with false ausgewiesener Abfahrtszeiten an der Haltestelle, a poorly functional Rufbus-App and erhöhte Sprachbarrieren on land sees everything Things that for his gegen a Unterbringung in Göhren sprechen. So the war is raging in the Vervangenheit of the beobachten, who of the small buses in the morning would go to the Third World, one of all the Ukrainian fighters and the Göhrener Bushaltestelle abzuholen.

Man said here of the last Zipfel des Landkreises, directly on the Landesgrenze zu Brandenburg, or Karberg in Erinnerung. Manche Göhrener has a Ukrainian family in the car with nach Woldegk management. Karberg does not doubt that this relationship was also bestowed upon by young people who flew together with other nationalities, who were typical of their flight history.

A Wohnerversammlung follows

All fragments that were made and that were not cleared, soda a Vorschlag from Hans-Joachim Conrad (OLW) were followed. There is a terrible nervous breakdown in Göhren’s anger. Auch Bürgermeister Hyna konnte diesem Vorschlag gut folgen. “That Göhrener has a Right everything Wichtige zu inheritahren”, so Hyna. When a Termin celebration took place, it was mitgeteilt.