
It is a heavy burden in the Wechseljahren

It is a heavy burden in the Wechseljahren

Die Wechseljahre hold Körper and Psyche in high regard. If you are using more fabric this is the best you can do here.

The Wechseljahre are with zahlreichen Veränderungen im Körper and Stoffwechsel einher. Undesirable behavior may occur during hormonal control.

Make sure that heat pockets, nausea, vomiting or discomfort, nervousness and general unwellness are prevented. Feeling depressed can depress women affected by the disease.

Nicht jede Frau muss während dieser Phase unter Beschwerden lead. If it is a little less, other people passing through time will make a grim impression.

The hormone and body care products are presenting themselves with new solutions and innovations. Der Körper use of some vital substances is more in the life stages. Besonders die in de Wechseljahren following Nährstoffe:

There are no new substances in the Wechseljahren


The B-Vitamins include Vitamin B12, B6, Biotin and Vitamin B. It is very important for the nervous system and nervous system to avoid stress and problems. If you do this, “Gehirnnebel” will be reduced by the Wechseljahre. A mangle with a B vitamin in the Wechseljahren can start Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen and Schlaganfall whoever cognitive Beeinträchtigungen. Rich in B-vitamins from Hülsenfrüchte, green Blattgemüse, Nüsse, Fisch and Eier.

Vitamin D

Except in the gray winter months, the “sun hormones” are important. It creates strong knots and has the immunity. Darüber uses vitamin D as a separate role for a functioning immune system and in warming Kalzium. The leader is in turbulent Breitengraden kaum poglich, ausreichend Vitamin D über das Sonnenlicht aufzunehmen. If you think the woman in the kitchen has high vitamin D levels. Deshalb: Vitamin D levels during a blunt test treatment and treatment is one of the after-treatment products.

Vitamin K2

Together with vitamin D3, magnesium and potassium, vitamin K2 improves muscle mass and arterial flexibility.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E protects the Zellen from oxidative stress and gilding as strong antioxidants and radical scavengers. In the Wechseljahrene vitamin E that causes the thrombosis reaction, the cholesterol level is increased and the body temperature of the carbohydrates is increased. The vitamin E is chemically formed by the estrogen and can cause heat waves in the skin. The empfohlene Tages dose is estimated at 12 milligrams.

Zinc and vitamin C

This combination influences a strong immune system. In this way, the skins are protected against oxidative stress. Women in the kitchen need 100 milligrams of vitamin C and 7-10 mg of zinc tablets.


The mineral substance is gold plated in menopause as an all-round talent for muskelent tension, Schlaf, Stimmung, Psyche as well as Stress-Resistant. User can help Magnesium by the heat protection of the skin. The empfohlene Tages dose is 300-400 mg.


The Gefahr für Knochenbrüche increases with the alter. Kalzium protects against osteoporosis and recovery and is a heavier substance in the skin. Especially the region of Kalzium since Hülsenfrüchte, green areas Blattgemüse and Nüsse. For women in the kitchen, the Kalziumbedarf is 1,000-1,200 mg pro Tag.

Omega Fettsäuren

Omega-3-Fettsäure and Co. have made the health and the herz of the herzündungshemmend and the herz-kreislauf-erkrankungen to become a good thing of the Wechseljahre.

Nahrungsergänzung nur nach Absprache mit Arzt or Ärztin einnehmen

Nahrungsergänzungsmittel can stake out the Wechseljahre. If you haven’t been getting started lately, you can now be broke and better.

If you weigh the research and research heavily, it’s not like the costs aren’t that great. Please be sure to purchase high quality products. Read what you can do in the Pharmacy if you want to order on the internet.

Nahrungsergänzungsmittel und Arzneimittel: Das ist der Unterschied

After carrying out the check on the Lebensmitteln and operating the Ergänzung der Ernährung – if there is a weighed Ernährung, there can be no final content. If you spend more time recovering the demand, you should offer your Wirksamkeit or Sicherheit one of the following orders. This is a small way to increase the high temperature of the inhalant – it is a complicated technology.

Arzneimittel sind hinggen Mittel, die ingesettzt, een Krankheiten, Leiden or Körperschäden zu heilen, zu lindern or zu avoid. Repairers should study in the clinical study, which investigates the security of the Mittels. A genaue dosing is carried out by the application of the coolant and the festivities.