
Psychiatry, Brauerei and Co – find this Orte

Schaurig schön and in Vergessenheit are produced: In Dortmund it is a Reihe verlassener Orte. t-online presents the most interesting Lost Places.

Wild things and faded buildings have fallen in Germany. People may not believe that they can create a photo motif in such a way.

Happily at home in Dortmund. This is one of the lost places. A former psychiatry, verlassene work halls and more. An overview.

The Kokerei Hansa is one of the best lost places in the Ruhr area and a real paradise for photographers. In the other Zentralkokerei, which was founded in Betrieb in 1928, it is still not the case that there are more Förderbänder, pink Rohre and alte Getriebe. You will find it in the “verbotenen Stadt”, in Huckarde.

In 1992, Kohle began cooking production, but it still became impossible to find overfishing from the years in the industrial complex. 1998 was carried out by a Denkmalschutz design.

The Hermannshütte war in Stahl- en Eisenwerk in the Dortmunder Stadtteil Hörde. When it started in 1841, a Roheisen by Stahl was realized. For all the construction equipment to be produced in the Hermannshütte. 1852 would be part of the Hörder Bergwerks- and Hütten-Vereins.

2001 was founded by the Betrieb. The portion of the anlagen is intended for the Weiterverwendung nach China Transportiert. Now we have few years of spare time from our work but more work. These Gebäude were completely abgerissen. It seems that Stelle der Phoenixsee is one of the best.

1957 The Catholic Marien Hospital went to the Gelände Zwitsers Notweg/Bahnstrecke and the späteren Klöcknerstraße in Dortmund in 1957. The Klöckner family has überlassen the order of the Franziskanerinnen from Mayen in the Eifel das Grundstück. 1978 introduced the Krankenhaus to the Betrieb. In addition, we have a psychiatry and psychotherapy with Tagesklinik.

2005 Wechselte diese Abteilung nach Hombruch, das Gebäude stand damit leer. Anfang 2017 started smoothly the Abrissarbeiten. This war is a credible story for Urban Explorers. Before you pick up the thread, it’s worth saying that it’s done in no time.

Gustav Knepper’s Kraftwerk performed a Steinkohlekraftwerk in the Dortmunder Stadtbezirk Mengede. It is a fact that the mountain work director was founded in 1951. The E.ON AG left Kraftwerk in 2001.

In 2013, E.ON responded with Wirtschaftlichen Gründen die Stilllegung des Kraftwerkes. This happens for a year. 2017 was sold by the Areal schließlich. New life is being revived. Dafür wurde das Kraftwerk nach and nach zurückgebaut und der Kühlturm, der Schornstein und das Kesselhaus wurden 2019. Die Revitalisierung soll noch andauern.

Kronenbier started in the Chronik in 1430. A company is in production in Dortmund. In the year 1873, the Brauerei and the Kronenburg and the Märkischen Straße were relocated. The end of the 1980s was the first of the Dortmund Stifts-Brauerei and then of the Dortmund Thier-Brauerei-übernommen. The Verkauf der drie Brauerei and the Dortmunder Actien-Brauerei followed in 1996.