
“Wählt Kamala!!!”: LeBron James proposed to Harris

“Wählt Kamala!!!”: LeBron James proposed to Harris

We now have American power as an NBA superstar for the Democrats’ candidates.

Kamala Harris hat to der US-Präsidentschaftswahl Unterstützung von Basketball superstar Le Bron James erhalten. “Wenn is a my Kinder and me Family If you think about what you want to do, it is worth making it clear. WÄHLT KAMALA HARRIS!!!”, Schrieb van de 39-Jährige von den Los Angeles Lakers am Donnersdag at X, ehemals Tweet.

Dazu posted a video montage of one to James Rassismus prägten Kundgebung von Donald Trump I am Madison Square Garden in New York am lost Sonntag. That Wahl in the US comes in handy Service day An.

James hat in the 1970s, democratic candidates are regularly and reed via Tweet also with the ex-presidents Trump another. For the threatening ones Olympiasieger hatten schon velde Prominent die Werbe drum for Harris, including the Musik-Superstars Taylor Swift, Beyoncé Oder Bruce Springsteen.