
ANALYSIS FLASH: UBS calls Delivery Hero on ‘Buy’

ZURICH (dpa-AFX Broker) – The Schweizer Großbank UBS has Delivery Hero on “Buy” with a rate of 50 euros. September dates of the South Korean statistics are based on one of the 17-prozentigen Anstieg des Transaktionswerts of online life orders in the future, writes Analyst Jo Barnet-Lamb in one of his Freitag-vorliegende studies. In the month of June to August there is a major event, if it is not so strong that something happens. The discontinued Wachstum des Bruttowarenwerts (GMV) in South Korea is a positive venture for the combined industry, the mass market was ignored./gl/la

Veröffentlichung der Original-Studie: 01.11.2024 / 07:42 / GMT First Weitergabe der Original-Studie: 01.11.2024 / 07:42 / GMT


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