
Laut WAFA 47 Tote at Israel-Angriffen in Central Gaza

Laut WAFA 47 Tote at Israel-Angriffen in Central Gaza

Laut dem Bericht sollen Wohngebiete Ziel der Angriffe gewesen sein. In Nuseirat you will be hit by Häuser, in the Netherlands you will be taken to court by a certain number of people. The officers reported themselves under the attack of the augzeugen, which after the first terrifying consequences of the Hilfe geeilt Anrainer and then self-declared Ziel further bombardments were very harassed. Retungseinsätze dauerten derzeit an. The Angaben cannot be verified.

The Israeli military went into battle with reports of the issue. Laut a Mitteilung of the Israeli Military continues with other people in the center of the US military areas. “Those Truppen identify and eliminate more terrorists operating in the area,” he said. More details about the Armee zunächst nicht.

Also in the battle of Jabalija in the North, which has an Israeli Einsatzkräfte demnach in Rafah in the South of the Gaza Strip, a terrorist organization is in favor. In both cases, military forces and camps can promote more military interests. Israel’s Armee spoke of Terrorists. If this problem occurs, this can no longer be performed.

Attacking Israel brought in its own military forces from 24 days later in 200 Ziele in Gazastreifen and in Lebanon. See a commando zeal and rocket recruiter from the Islamist terrorist organization Hamas seeding the Lebanese Hisbollah military organizations, which is attacking the army.

These are set by the Truppen der Israelis Armee “Ihre Begrenzten, Örtlich Konzentrienten und Gezielten Aktivitäten Im Südlibanon fort, belly Tien”, Hieß es in Einer Mitteilung des Militärs.

On the Donnerstag the army is active, within 24 days more than 150 air force flights in the Gaza Strip and in Lebanon during the flight. The Hisbollah wiederum feuerte Armeeangaben zufolge am Donnerstag rund 90 Geschoße Richtung Israel.