
Astana – A Modern Hauptstadt im Herzen Kasachstans – Aviation.Direct

Astana – A Modern Hauptstadt im Herzen Kasachstans – Aviation.Direct

Astana, the Hauptstadt of Kasachstans, won its political and administrative Hauptstadt des Landes in 1997. Before the war in Almaty took place in Hauptstadt, the strategic and surprising Gründen de Entscheidung, the Hauptstadt after Astana zu shy. The city has a modern urban center, its futuristic architecture and ever-growing buildings are promoted.

Astana is a city, modern architecture and political center of Kasakhstan are promoted. Your Sehenswürdigkeiten are a few things in the history, culture and care of the countries. The anreisemöglichkeiten in Europe may not have been much fun, but in that fascinating city it was a problem.

Geschichte Astanas

Astana, which started as Akmolinsk, has had a long history, dating back to 19. Jahrhundert zurückreicht. The town comes from a small town and was granted the status of a city in 1961.

In the 1990s, after the hanging of Kasakhstan, a turnaround began in the Umbau and an Entwicklung der Stadt, which died in the period in Astana in 1998. Under President Nursultan Nasarbajew wurde Astana with visionary construction projects for a symbol city for the new Kasachian State.


Bayterek Tower

The Bayterek Tower is the Wahrzeichen of Astana and is symbolic of the Unabhängigkeit Kasachstans. Der Turm, at a height of 97 metres, represents a Baum des Lebens, and the Spitze forms an Aussichtsplattform with Blick on the Stadt. Besucher with a step up to the platform and the beeindruckende Aussicht on the modern Skyline looks at the most amazing Nurzhol Boulevard genius.

The President’s Palace (Ak Orda)

The President’s Palace, called Ak Orda, is the office of the Presidents of Kasakhstan. The design is an architectural masterpiece and a great variety of gardens and parks. The facade is in the Strahlendem Weiß content, was the city a majestic appearance. If you want a guided tour, you can get more information about the operation and function of the palaces.

Nur Astana Moschee

Die Nur Astana Moschee is one of the largest Moscheen in Kasakhstan and is influenced by its modern architecture. They were left open 2005 and served with a plate of 10,000 happy. The Moschee is as well regarded as one of the most successful shapes, with large figures and artistic decorations. It is one of the most common types of glauben and no longer sees any Muslims, but there are many tourists.

Khan Shatyr

Khan Shatyr is an extraordinary einkaufs- en Freizeitzentrum, which in the form is its own Zeltes gestaltet. The world of 2010 was one of the largest Zelt der Welt. The Innerhalb des Zentrums finds a wide variety of restaurants, restaurants and an indoor beach landscape, which offers the company a one-sided leisure experience. The construction is a design for innovative architecture and modern engineering.

The National Museum of Kasakhstan

The National Museum of Kasakhstan is the largest museum in the Landes and offers an overview of the history and culture of Kasakhstan. The Ausstellung is a very archaeological foundation, ethnographic collections and contemporary works of art. One of the museums that can be highlighted is the journey, the Entwicklung des Landes von der Antike bis zur modernen Zeit nachzuvollziehen.

Expo 2017 Gelande

The Gelände der Weltausstellung Expo 2017 is a very tourist attraction in Astana. The central theme, the ‘Nur Alem’, is a futuristic museum that is outlined with the theme ‘Energie der Zukunft’. The developed architecture and interactive machines are an exciting experience for your changes.


For a trip from Germany, Österreich and Switzerland there are more options, to Astana of your choice. Direct flight to Astana was initiated by several airlines, including Lufthansa, Turkish Airlines and Air Astana. Die Flugzeiten lie in der Regel zwischen 6 und 10 Stunden, abhängig von den Zwischenstopps. Non-stop flights from Air Astana to Frankfurt am Main and to Kasachischen Hauptstadt.

Alternative travel to another European city, in Istanbul, after a flight to Astana. The city is well connected with the international flugnetz, the journey was clear.

A portrait of Air Astana’s Business Class on the Airbus A320 and Boeing 767 machine types found at Aviation. Right under that Link. The Economy Class will be placed here under Lupe control. A portrait of the Erlebnis-Restaurant Sandyq Astana was found in the Food-Insider section under this link.

Wetter and temperature in Astana

The Wetter and Klima in Astana are one of the most constant climates, going back and forth due to the extreme temperature fluctuations. The city was located in Central Asia, at an altitude of 350 meters above the Meeresspiegel, and was typically a very masculine climate zone.

Insgesamt ist das Wetter in Astana during the strong seasonal change of Schwankungen. Traveling in a calm winter and warm summer environment and with appropriate clothing for your travel time.

Jahreszeiten und Temperaturverläufe

Frühling (März bis Mai)

Der Frühling in Astana ist von kühlem Wetter prägt, that is almost a milder world. I lie to the temperature from 0 °C to 5 °C, and the temperature rises to 10 °C to 15 °C in April. The temperature may be between 20 °C and 25 °C. In this season the wind can be grim, and it will be a high Wetterwechsel.

Summer (June to August)

The Summer Monate has been hot in Astana. In June the temperature is 25 °C, in July the temperature can be between 30 °C and 35 °C higher. The temperature of 40 °C should have been reduced in a few years. That night was often a problem, but the climate was bad. Gewitter could grow up in the summer, especially in July and August, before the most recent Abkühlungen-sorgt.

Herbst (September to November)

Der Herbst brings with it a drop in temperature. In September the temperature is neither mild, but 15 °C to 20 °C, in October it falls to 5 °C to 10 °C and in November there was often cold weather. This time is also available in low light and available in the Netherlands.

Winter (December to February)

Winter in Astana is long and can be extremely freezing. The temperature of the temperature in this month lies at -10 °C, in January, the temperature is high at -15 °C to -20 °C. The temperature cannot exceed -30 °C. The city was often covered by Schnee, was a beautiful winter landscape, but the temperature was no milder.

Extreme temperature

The cold periods in Astana are typically from December to February, between the highest months of June to August. The temperature fluctuations are high and the night is over in summer, with winter temperatures often no longer lying.