
Follow 46: October 2020: Trump in Krankenhaus

Follow 46: October 2020: Trump in Krankenhaus

All sequels to “Vier Jahre Trump”

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This audio film is part of the project “Vier Jahre Trump”. Darin has started with Donald Trump’s presidential election after 48 months in 48 episodes. All following information can be found here.

The transcript of the episode

MODERATION: Am 2. October Trump is already on Twitter: There is a woman Melania who has had Covid. The Erkrankter List will take longer. They were all present at the TV debate or broadcast of Richterin Amy Coney Barrett. The German government officials, government officials, government officials and mediators have tested positive as of now.

Some breaking news: In the last few minutes we’ve learned that President Trump is now headed to Walter Reed Hospital, Military Hospital, following his coronavirus diagnosis.

BBC news

MODERATION: Trump began his treatment at Walter Reed Hospital, a military hospital long cared for by the US president.

It is not clear how long the Erkrankung trifft is. Am Abend des 5. Oktober is the Krankenhaus. Zurück in Weißen Haus betritt is the balcony, near the mask and hand of the military salute on the River Stirn.

After Trump was groomed with Sauerstoff, that was the first time the world started talking.


MODERATION: The second TV debate will take place at the end of October Donald Trump and Joe Biden and.

Trump was shocked by the ‘China virus’ and knew that the economy would receive increasing attention to the pandemic. Biden talked about the “dunklen Seele” of the countries, and Trump’s appeal.

Insgesamt verläuft de Diskussion geäßigter.

I’m going to give you hope. We’re moving. We’re going to choose science over fiction. We are going to choose hope over fear. We’re going to choose to move forward because we have tremendous opportunity and tremendous opportunity to make things better.

Joe Biden


MODERATION: Was Trump in October über Trump said, am 22.10. Watch the TV show while watching Wladimir Putin.

No one has been tougher on Russia than Donald Trump.

Donald Trump