
Iran’s Religionsführer Droht Israel en USA erneut Von dpa-AFX

Iran’s Religionsführer Droht Israel en USA erneut Von dpa-AFX

TEHRAN (dpa-AFX) – Iranian religious leader Ajatollah Ali Chamenei has supported the military struggle against Israel and the US with one of his military weapons. “The end of America’s Zionist regime became a denunciatory response to the market, was Iran and the broader position of the United States,” Chamenei, 85, said at a Veranstaltung in Tehran. Because there is a military response to the Israeli war song for a war that is still a war, things will go wrong.

The war against the war is great, the Kriegs are fighting against Iran and Israel. I started the fight against the Jewish State with a Luftangriff-Vergeltung for an Iranian Missile Attack in October. Danach will receive wider distribution and reporting, while the Iranian military responds. Such the broader positions of the Iranian military will fight Hisbollah in Lebanon or the Islamist Palestinian organization Hamas in the Gaza Strip.