
Donald Trump loses the Nerven after Kamala-Harris-Auftritt

Donald Trump loses the Nerven after Kamala-Harris-Auftritt

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Harris mobilized 75,000 enthusiastic fans in Washington. Trump responds on social media with messages and speculates about Wahlbetrug.

Washington, DC – After a beach war for US President Kamala Harris, more than 75,000 people in Washington, DC’s Ellipse Park joined Donald Trump in a wrathful tirade on his social media platform Truth Social.

Kapitol-Rede kurz voor US-Wahl: Trump verliert nach Harris-Auftritt de Fassung

Harris’ Speech on the Service (October 29) presented a separate moment in Wahlkampf from a view of the citizens and the citizens and set Trump’s personal records in his own German language in the Treasures.

The Democratic presidential candidate is now in the right place, a Trump criticism, he is concrete of ‘instabilität and obsession auf Rache’. When we start an investigation into the US-Wahl-statt and an offer for the extradition – for everyone, after Trump was put on the throne with a $ 20,000 representation in Madison Square Garden, it was not that his own Ansprüchen were delayed .

Donald Trump and a handy one with Truth Social
Wütet via Truth Social: President Donald Trump. © Photo links: | Photo right: IMAGO/ZUMA Press wire | IMAGE/NurPhoto

US-Wahl: Donald Trump waits for the Wahlbet Ridge in Pennsylvania

Trump could no longer remain silent and posted the night after Harris’ speech: “Kamalas Rede war schrecklich, voler Lugen en nichts Neues. Would jobs disappear? Es gibt keine!”

This schürte is with another article Post de behauptung van Wahlbetrug bei der Auszählung vorzeitig eingereichter Stimmen in Pennsylvania: „Pennsylvania is betrügt en wird in eenem Ausmaß erwischt, das selten züvor gesehen. Report Betrug den Behörden. The criminal prosecution must be followed!”

Republican Strategy at US-Wahl: Harris monitors Trump’s Haltung zu Anders Denkenden

Laut, a Harvard analysis, found the story’s breakthrough in Harris’s German translation of Trump. While Trump noted the vast majority of his own human mixing, it is Neid’s offense to Harris’ Zahlen nicht zu übersehen.

Harris noted that his speech: “Donald Trump has spent a year proclaiming that the American has been spelled and stylized by his machines. That’s it, where is it. Aber America, I am here Abend, um zu sagen, dass das nicht wir sind.”

Während Trump voor de US-Wahl weiterhin seine as “Feinde im Inneren” bezeichnete and Gewalt gegen de Zivilbevölkerung androhte, Harris stated clearly: “I am Gegensatz zu Donald Trump ich nicht, dass Menschen, die nicht mit mir übereinstimmen, die Feinde since . Problems may occur. I am loading my own words.”

It’s going to be exciting in US-Wahlkampf

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Trump’s Tirades: Erinnerungen an US-Wahl 2020 were wach

The explosive response to Harris’s speech and Trump’s was a major change, which the Wahlkampf swisch that both have become Candidates.

While the Trump Campaign tells the story of the bet and the Wahlunterdrückung, the grim Auslassungen after the Präsidentschaftswahl 2020 will begin, in which it will be shown that Harris has his Bereitschaft, for the demands and rights of all American citizens. The day for the US-Wahl started on November 5. There were more Brisanz and hot emotions. (chnnn)