
Erster Anbauverein in Deutschland sells Cannabis – so ist die Lage in NRW – Nachrichten

Erster Anbauverein in Deutschland sells Cannabis – so ist die Lage in NRW – Nachrichten

Los geht’s: For the members of the social clubs of Ganderkesee it is now possible to use legal cannabis. Damit is the first to own the Bundesweit. Der Verein is a 100-minute drive away, it is no longer possible. You have been provided with 25 grams of raw materials.

This is another moment, that is a wartted life. Jedes Gramm, which you have found, is a Gramm that was not purchased at the Schwarzmarkt.
Vereinssprecherin Social Club Ganderkesee

After part of the Bundesdrogen beauftragten had started, the other company could no longer start. Ab: “We are looking for more information about the genetics and benefits of single family members who are interested in this.” The Behörde will soon be known, that is the Society in Ganderkesee since the fort history ist.

Erste legal Cannabis-Ernte

Seit July dürfen in Deutschland Cannabis-Anbauvereine für de gemeinschaftlichen Anbau und de Weitergabe von Cannabis-zugelassen were. The Club in the Oldenburg District started setting up a legal cannabis industry in October.

The cannabis sorting is changed by the club in the United States in the region. There is no video watch and no security grounds possible.

Hohe Nachfrage nach Gras

After the Legalization of Cannabis, which appeared in Kraft on April 1, 2024, there is no longer a commercial purchase with an amount of 500 meters.

The Cannabis Social Club Ganderkesee has this Zahl schnell erreicht. “We spend a long time with a minimum of 1,000 Leuten“, said the Sprecherin. Demnach is a bunte Mischung von Menschen in Alter von 18 to 76 years.

After the Federal Law, there is a minimum age of 21 years, more than 25 Gramm pro Tag and 50 Gramm pro Monat zum Eigenkonsum. Für jüngere Erwachsene since monatlich 30 Gramm erlaubt. The maximum duration of use of substances Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) enthalten.