
Harris from Wahlkampf-Endspurt on “Saturday Night Live”

Harris from Wahlkampf-Endspurt on “Saturday Night Live”

The end of the American Wahlkampfs is that the Democratic candidate Kamala Harris gets a large audience – with a mini-broadcast on the quoted comedy show “Saturday Night Live”. In the 60s it is time to laugh yourself, but not with Spott among Donald Trump’s competitors.

Harris is almost a mirror image of the schauspielerin Maya Rudolph, who dies in the show while in the role of the Democrats. “Lache ich wirklich so?”, Harris phrased in a minute-long sketch. Then both die typical Wahlkampf-Sätze op Korn and riefen etwa gleichzeitig “Glaubt an das Versprechen Amerikas”.

After all, Trump must drop Spott: “You can’t say you can’t: you can’t see it anymore,” Harris said in his mirror image. I think it is an attack on a Szene with the Trumps Wahlkampf: The 78 year war in Anspielung on an indisputable Aussage of President Joe Biden with a Müllwagen-raised – and how he could make his own decision in the Fahrerhaus morefach am Türgriff vorbei griffen.

Wahlkampf in the ‘Swing States’

These were both Candidates in a number of Swing State North Carolina upgraded – the inner half weniger Stunden keine hundert Kilometer voneinander entfernt. It is a camp that contains a number of separate, few zehntausend stimuli. Harris and Trump are working on the Wähler in the last days of the service (November 5).

Harris riffs on Trump in his Speech deutlich an: There is an “unstable” situation, in which Rache and an uncontrolled force fall from the sky. Trump called Harris a “low IQ individual.”

North Carolina and the US East Coast are the heart of the ‘Swing States’: during the Wahl 2020, Trump was able to continue her dalliance with it was more like a prozentpunkt for the spätere President Joe Biden. In those years, the Umfragen in the Bundesstaat is one of the many winners of the Rennen, with a large lead for Trump.

New Umphrage sees Harris born in conservative Iowa

In fact, Trump and Harris are lying close to each other. If the Wahlausgang is separated in the other Swing States, the Wahlkampf is concentrated in the last Tagen.

I am looking for a new attack for the government: Harris lies for Trump in the conservative federal state of Iowa. At the regional publication “Des Moines Register” in Zusammenarbeit mit Mediacom Iowa Poll and the Meinungsforschungsinstitut Selzer & Company, 47 percent of the fragmented backgrounds Wählerinnen and Wähler are one, for Harris stimmen zu wollen – 44 Prozent würden ihre Trump geben. Harris’ Vorsprung is located in the area of ​​Fehlertoleranz von 3.4 Prozentpunkten.

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Iowa is gilded as a republican state. Zwar sollte man einzelnen Umfragen in de USA generell nicht uit bedeutung beimessen, sie können allendings durchhaus einen Trend broaderspiegeln. On the website FiveThirtyEight, which was recently opened, you can see Trump speaking German for Harris again. Another one, ebenfalls am Wochenende öffentlichte Umfrage sieht Trump in Iowa zehn Prozentpunkte vor seiner Konkurrentin.

Trump whitewashes Wahlbetrug

In a speech in the Federal State of Virginia, Trump spoke about American President Harris’s Fähigkeit zur Präsidentschaft ab. “Sie vertelig überfordert sein, Zusammenbruch, und Millionen Menschen were sterben”, it is a Wahlsiegs der Demokratin voraus for the autumn. It is a person who dries up and dissolves under pressure, then becomes verified in depression.

It must be said that Trump favors the Wahl if he continues the war, but if he goes a step further, the policy may continue. “Lasst sie betrügen, denn das ist es, was sie tun,” Trump told the Democrats. There is no insight into the fact that the value of the Wahlute is no more than the value of the Wählerstimmen-insgesamt zu gewinnen.

After Wahl 2020, Trump will behave, while he will be supported by the vast majority of Democrats. So many complaints from the Trump-Wahlkampf teams were not targeted. There is no evidence of disturbances caused by the Abstimmung available treatment. Trump later did this. Seine Außerungen führten Anfang 2021 auch zum Sturm seiner Anhänger auf das Kapitol in Washington, on the site of the American Congress.

Trump lobs the signal “schöne weiße Haut”

Trump sweetens his soul, Frauen als Wähler zu omwerben. The man has reached his age, the woman is no longer “beauty” of 78 years. “Deshalb became ich nicht sagen, wie schön ihr seid.”

De republikanische Kandidat sprach erneut von seiner “schönen weißen Haut”. “I must be glad to see you,” it said. „I could have a nice beach, my own beautiful new life.“

Harris will respond by letter

The concrete is made of wool, the steering wheel is intended for the mediocre bolt and the preisabzocke by uninteresting words. It became a health care problem. After discussing Rufen zum Gaza-Krieg, Harris stated: “So look at democracy.” See the people standing before the judge, in your life they will say. “Aber jetzt gerade spreche ich”, as the demonstrators said.

The 60 years will themselves be a short period. When the US-Vize plan is complete, watch other of the US-Sender CNN and talk about Harris’ Wahlkampf team. If you have a different image for other women and women, it is a different chance of stimulation. It’s good that Harris de Stimmzettel has a simple hat.

Ihr Ehemann Doug Emhoff posted on X that an impetus has been given to the short abgegeben habe. We have received a strong boost for our Ehefrau. “I have chosen Kamala Harris as chairman of the United State Organization. I didn’t forget this moment,” he wrote.

CNN: Rund 70 Millionen Stimmen schon abgegeben

The American channel CNN reported on a message about their own experiences in the Institute, that 70 million stimuli could be seen. The Zahl-entspricht achieved 45 Prozent der bovine 158 Millionen Stimmen, which were abgegeben in the year 2020 at the Präsidentschaftswahl.

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