
Porsche hat WM title soon for sure!

Porsche hat WM title soon for sure!

( – Vorentscheidung in the Title Camp of the Long Strecken-Weltmeisterschaft (WEC): The Toyota #7 (Conway/Kobayashi/de Vries) completely broke down in the fun matches of the 8 Stunden of Bahrain. An electronics problem, the car cleared from the Rennen-secret airspace, keeps the zurück – and black schlimmer as zuvor.

Titel-Bild zur News: The Toyota #7 struggles with electrical problems

Der Toyota #7 is struggling with electronic problems


Update: Der Toyota #7 is the car in the Garage that is turned off and when a report is made. Der Traum is een end-gültig geplatzt.

Nyck de Vries listens to the end of his secret in the interview: “The leader is a great person to run with a problem with the fuel pump. We will always be happy with it, as I am in my car, it will always be smarter. We will be happy.” Versucht, einen Securitymode If you use the standard ‘Driver Default’ button, this function will start, but eventually it will no longer be functional, or with a different mode.’

Nyck de Vries used the Toyota GR010 Hybrid in Kamui Kobayashi’s Halbzeit. These may occur in the first instance with a quick solution to the problem, but the problem will occur itself when it comes loose.

De Vries ended up in the Führung in front of the Ferrari #51 (Pier Guidi/Calado/Giovinazzi) on the Strecke zurück. The Toyota has been given the opportunity to do the repair work and achieve the most theoretical chance of the Fahrer title, the Porsche #6 (Estre/Lotterer/L. Vanthoor) after a long start from the lead position has been improved.

But de Vries lost the lead with Alessandro Pier Guidi. A plötzlich were the Aussetzer wieder da. De Vries tries to remove the edge stones and put a flavor in the Lenkrad name “Driver Default”. It damages the positioning of the electronic accelerator pedals.

Otherwise if Kobayashi shifts the problem to de Vries, the problem is: the stutter remains with de Vries and must be pressed after the “Driver Default” button. The Rundenzeiten are a bit of a fun task, while others find Runden war das Tempo normal.

But that cost De Vries more than half a minute under the field on the second Platz zurück. Beim Boxenstopp nach fünf Stunden kam es noch schlimmer: Zum Zeitpunkt des Berichts ist der Toyota op de zehnten Platz zurückgefallen, Tendenz fallen.

Jetzt can be from Toyota that a notorious surprise no longer helps a Safety-Car-Phase. When used, Toyota #7 is the best car in the field. There is still no Safety Car after a barbecue version of the Proton-Fords #88 (Roda/Levorato/Olsen), but the problem has become smaller at Toyota.

The Porsche #6 is located on Sechsten Platz. One behind Platz, Laurens Vanthoor, Andre Lotterer and Kevin Estre on Jeden Fall automatically qualified for Fahrer-Weltmeister. The other Gegner, the Ferrari #50 (Fuoco/Molina/Nielsen), does not arrive on the right in Fahrt after another Kollision with the #6 and is now in Rank eleven. This is a must for the title winners.

Toyota has now lost the repairer title of a Porsche. The Porsche #5 (Campbell/Christensen/Makowiecki) on the driven Platz lies, the Toyota’s Rennen-gewinnen, on the back of new punks. The Toyota #8 (Buemi/Hartley/Hirakawa) has been struggling with Brem issues and is now on the Platz feature.