
Porsche hat WM title soon for sure!

Porsche hat WM title soon for sure!

( – Vorentscheidung in the Title Camp of the Long Strecken-Weltmeisterschaft (WEC): The Toyota #7 (Conway/Kobayashi/de Vries) completely broke down in the fun matches of the 8 Stunden of Bahrain. An electronics problem, the car cleared from the Rennen-secret airspace, keeps the zurück – and black schlimmer as zuvor.

Titel-Bild zur News: The Toyota #7 struggles with electrical problems

Der Toyota #7 is struggling with electronic problems


Update: Der Toyota #7 is the car in the Garage that is turned off and when a report is made. Der Traum is een end-gültig geplatzt.

Nyck de Vries listens to the end of his secret in the interview: “The leader is a great person to run with a problem with the fuel pump. We will always be happy with it, as I am in my car, it will always be smarter. We will be happy.” Versucht, einen Sicherheitsmodus , if you have a standard, With the ‘Driver Default’ button you can start with this function, but I can no longer function, or with another mode.’

Nyck de Vries used the Toyota GR010 Hybrid in Kamui Kobayashi’s Halbzeit. These may occur in the first instance with a quick solution to the problem, but the problem will occur itself when it comes loose.

De Vries ended up in the Führung in front of the Ferrari #51 (Pier Guidi/Calado/Giovinazzi) on the Strecke zurück. The Toyota has been given the opportunity to do the repair work and achieve the most theoretical chance of the Fahrer title, the Porsche #6 (Estre/Lotterer/L. Vanthoor) after a long start from the lead position has been improved.

But de Vries lost the lead with Alessandro Pier Guidi. A plötzlich were the Aussetzer wieder da. De Vries tries to remove the edge stones and put a flavor in the Lenkrad name “Driver Default”. It damages the positioning of the electronic accelerator pedals.

Otherwise if Kobayashi shifts the problem to de Vries, the problem is: the stutter remains with de Vries and must be pressed after the “Driver Default” button. The Rundenzeiten are a bit of a fun task, while others find Runden war das Tempo normal.

But that cost De Vries more than half a minute under the field on the second Platz zurück. Beim Boxenstopp nach fünf Stunden kam es noch schlimmer: Zum Zeitpunkt des Berichts ist der Toyota op de zehnten Platz zurückgefallen, Tendenz fallen.

Jetzt can be from Toyota that a notorious surprise no longer helps a Safety-Car-Phase. When used, Toyota #7 is the best car in the field. There is still no Safety Car after a barbecue version of the Proton-Fords #88 (Roda/Levorato/Olsen), but the problem has become smaller at Toyota.

The Porsche #6 is located on Sechsten Platz. One behind Platz, Laurens Vanthoor, Andre Lotterer and Kevin Estre on Jeden Fall automatically qualified for Fahrer-Weltmeister. The other Gegner, the Ferrari #50 (Fuoco/Molina/Nielsen), does not arrive on the right in Fahrt after another Kollision with the #6 and is now in Rank eleven. This is a must for the title winners.

Toyota has now lost the repairer title of a Porsche. The Porsche #5 (Campbell/Christensen/Makowiecki) on the driven Platz lies, the Toyota’s Rennen-gewinnen, on the back of new punks. The Toyota #8 (Buemi/Hartley/Hirakawa) has been struggling with Brem issues and is now on the Platz feature.