
Simples Hausmittel solves the problem

Simples Hausmittel solves the problem

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Simples Hausmittel solves the problem
If the toilet clogs, you can use a few simple tricks. © infocusee/Panthermedia/Imago

A clogged toilet is one of the problems in the bath. A Hausmittel can loosen the misere schnell, shoot and sauber.

Dortmund – Klobürste or Gloves? Were both of us stopped using the toilet without pumping the hand hat, otherwise it was an accident. A single house can cause a problem and release a chemical or special action. RUHR24 said, whoever has the toilet with a Lifehack, gets free.

Toilette clogged: One house solved the problem

This genius Lifehack is now from the Prinzip of the over- and underpressure (if you see a Saugglocke) and the liquid in the toilet is freer. Make sure you get a house out of the kitchen: Fischhaltefolie.

Clogged Toilette with Fresh Foil Free – so it is:

  • Zunächst de gesamte Toilettenschüssel covered airtight with fresh wrap. (Achtung: Sie muss an alle Seiten gut abschließen!)
  • Dan dies Toilettenspülung drücken. Die Folie would like to become a father afterward.
  • Nun with both Hands party at the Folie drücken. It’s just the Verstopfung loose.
  • Den Folien-Trick, if it doesn’t work, meerfach wiederholenbis das Wasser wieder abfließt.

The Folien-Lifehack hat is more than Vorteile. Man, if you’re out of hands, a stop in the World Cup, whatever. There may not be any chemicals nearby.

Clogged toilet free: Klobürste, Natron and Essig as Hausmittel

If the freshening foil trick has not been performed, you cannot use any other method, one of the many toilette cutters that are used. Leichter Druck mit der Klobürste When the liquid flows out of the toilet, the paper can end up in the toilet area.

Jemand has re-established a toilette with Schwamm and Klobürste. Natron säubert Toilets are mainly intended for a toilet cleaner.
Hausmittel wie Natron säubern Toilets are especially suitable for a toilet cleaner. (Symbol photo) © Joko/Imago

Oh well Eimer heißes Wasser mit etwas Spülmittel it may happen that it is a toilet flush that is a bit lost. Dieser Trick will of course now fail if the wax is not ready to the edge. (All Lifehacks at RUHR24 lessons.)

Avoid clogged toilets: Keine Feuchttücher or Essen ins Klo werfen

We regularly have a clogged toilet on the cover, so for all types of refreshments, these problems should be avoided:

  • Cleaning or other cleaning products (Zahnseide, Binden, etc.) cannot enter the toilet area.
  • Niemals Essensreste sees oil or grease in the toilet area.
  • The toilet is regularly cleaned and descaled, which hinders cleaning.

The generated tips can cause a blockage in the toilet, affect sweat quickly and effectively. Be that as it may, the house is worth its weight in gold: in case of heart problems or other problems, the bag may be a Fachmann man.