
This TV-Übertragungen gibt is in Deutschland

This TV-Übertragungen gibt is in Deutschland

The US-Wahl 2024 was released in Germany with a message – and many senders had a message message. So they could follow up those Ergebnisse live.

When we went to the US-Wahl in 2024, and in Germany on November 5, the American state took over the highest political office. The fragment, the well-known discussion about the question: Does the new President Donald Trump see one of the other Kamala Harris in his white house with his first US president?

If you can use private TV channels, you can use the German watch on the night of the service on the Mittwoch-deutsche Zeit das Rennen as chairman of the Vereinigten Staatsvolgen. For all live broadcasts, you can summarize the TV and livestream broadcasts online.

Das Erste: During the Wahlnacht of 5 to 6 November, the ARD reported on the US-Wahl. At 10:15 pm there will be a broadcast of the “Tagesthemen” live in Washington, followed by a discussion round from Berlin, which will listen to the active activities in the US. At 1 hour of the ARD with the broadcast “Harris gegen Trump: US-Wahl live” active and Jörg Schönenborn analyzes moderiert.

ZDF: The US-Wahl-Berichterstattung in the ZDF starts on November 5 at 8:15 PM with special broadcasts on Live TV, an overview of the Ausgangslage, the Erwartungen and the Wahltag will feature both Candidates and their most important Wahlkampf themes. At 0.30 am the live broadcast “Die Nacht der Entscheidung”, moderated by Shakuntala Banerjee and Stefan Leifert from Berlin, with Antje Pieper and Elmar Theveßen from Washington, started.

RTL: The reporting status at RTL starts on November 6 at 0.35 am with the “Nachrichtenjournal Spezial: Countdown zur US-Wahl” followed by a nice Live Wahlsendung “Der Kampf ums Weiße Haus”. As an expert, the long-time RTL-Nachrichtenmann Peter Kloeppel in Studio. They are the journalists Roberta Bieling and Christopher Wittich.

ProSieben & Sat. 1: A Mitternacht started with “newstime Spezial – Kampf ums Weiße Haus” on Free-TV. After both have sent, they can perform the activation and separation in the US Federal State live from 0 am. Besonders im Fokus: The sogenante Swing States, also the wahlent-separating Federal States in the USA. Claudia von Brauchitsch and Angela van Brakel moderate In der Nacht.

The ARD and ZDF can incur costs and register online in the livestream.