
Insgesamt 655 Jahre Unternehmenstreue bei HUBTEX since a Grund zum Feiern!

Insgesamt 655 Jahre Unternehmenstreue bei HUBTEX since a Grund zum Feiern!

Insgesamt 655 Jahre Unternehmenstreue bei HUBTEX since a Grund zum Feiern! – Photo: HUBTEX

Wertschätzung für longjährige Treue

05.11.24 – 33 Mitarbeiter became the international drivers of repairs of long-term repairs, special services for flurförderzeugen and special vehicles HUBTEX with mainstay in Fulda for maintenance work from 10 to 40 years.

Im Hotel-Restaurant Bachmühle in Fulda feiert HUBTEX 2024 insgesamt 655 Jahre Unternehmenstreue. The jubilee of Geschäftsführer Marco Goldbach, personal leader of Natalie Neumann, personally ensures the Betriebsratsvorsitzenden Thorsten Pohlmann for his Treue and his Engagement geehrt.

Geschäftsführer Marco Goldbach concretes in the names of both Geschäftsführer and der Gesellschafter: “Wir since we were safe, we were able to work together, then we would be happy with our stability UBTEX -tätig I think I have the opportunity to create an alternative culture with the motto ‘Success through culture’ and a new university.’

Holger Koning lasted for the long company life of 40 years, after Walter Wrona had been at HUBTEX-tätig for 35 years. 30th anniversary party: Elmar Krenzer, Michael Großbach, Janine Hielscher, Juan Cantalejo Valle, Katrin Schmitt and Christian Bott. For 25 years, firms were supported by: Rene Starke, Annett Egger, Martin Rech, Heiko Nebenführ, Tanja Künzel and Michael Krampez. Thorsten Neumann, Matthias Schmidt, Annika Imhof, Lukas Rösler, Markus Friedrich and Andre Kollmann were absent for 20 years. Bereits 10 Jahre since Sebastian Kempf, Rudolf Ballau, Waldemar Beer, Andreas Litke, Robert Schwarz, Michael Gering, Gerald Antholzner, Patrick Bönisch, Marcel Feuerstein, Robert Faulstich, Julian Gora, Tobias Reith and Hans-Joachim Finger ein Teil von HUBTEX.

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