
Schleswig-Holstein Lower Saxony: Atommüll-Endlager: Weitere Gebiete vorerst ausgeschlossen

Schleswig-Holstein Lower Saxony: Atommüll-Endlager: Weitere Gebiete vorerst ausgeschlossen

Status: 04.11.2024 17:02 Uhr

The Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung (BGE) has further expanded the encroachment into the regions for Atommüll-Endlager in the North. Demnach sind unter Anderem Gebiete in Niedersachsen und Schleswig-Holstein ungeeignet.

Salzstöcke in Solling-Becken in the Weserbergland no longer sees the Thuringian Becken in South Saxony as an Endlager for high radioactive Müll intrusion, which is the BGE in Peine am Montag Mitteilte. Separate the area in the Glückstadt-Graben region in the Westschleswig-Block (next to Schleswig-Holstein) between the regions of Switzerland Neumünster and Bad Bramstedt, as well as Plön, Bad Segeberg, Kappeln and Husum. This region was created after the founding of the BGE in Lower Saxony and Hamburg.

13 of 90 areas in Germany separate from

In the current Arbeitsstand, the Bundesgesellschaft am Montag veröffentlichte, 13 of 90 of their activities in Deutschland were included in the Kategorien Code of D eingeordnet. If all goes well, these regions in the Auswahlverfahren will not be overloaded for one or two months and can be separated as Standorte. The Auswahlkriterien für die suche sind im sogenantnten Standardwahlgesetz festwaardes. Laut BGE-Sprecherin Dagmar Dehner comes nor 44 Prozent der Landesflächen as Endlager for highly radioactive Atommüll infrastructure. 2020 were es noch 54 Prozent.

Weitere Gebiete in Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Saxony in der Auswahl

The Lower Saxony minister Christian Meyer (Grüne) supported the Arbeitsstand der Bundesgesellschaft. Lower Saxony wants the region to no longer emerge from the Mangel and for the Verfahren to be postponed. Denn: The brauche is a fair way to understand the entscheidung über den best Standort, so Meyer. “Wir haben Verantwortung für den Deutschland produzierten Atommüll. Therefore sollte sich kein Bundesland, so wie Bayern, politically refuse auf schaftlicher Grundlage zu suchen”, said der Grünen-Politiker. In Lower Saxony, there are still four Tongebiete zur Auswahl. Also in Schleswig-Holstein, BGE has not yet experienced a larger area around Glücksburg, Kiel and Itzehoe.

End bearing must stop for a million years

The BGE experience of time, in welchen Gebieten favorable geological conditions for the unterirdische Endlagerung hochradioactiviver Abfälle conceivable. The fact is that there is a point in the tiefe, while 27,000 Kubikmeter Atommüll has been stored in Germany for more than 60 years of Atomkraft. It has been a million years since the Atommüll has been radioactive for hundreds of years. It happens that all types of Ton- and Kristallin-bolts die Salzformationen infrage. “We have such a good understanding of the results with the best possible safety”, explains Lisa Seidel, the guideline for the best results of the BGE. “We have set these safety measures for the area with the same prüfschritt etwas higher. Areas that do not overjump a house are not more bearable.”

BGE will provide solutions for Zwischenlager

The current working status is described by BGE without any associated facts. At the end of 2027, the BGE final will cover more international regions – which will not be the last event. This Vorschlag was then approved by the Federal Office for the Safety of the Nuclear Energy Agency (BASE). The Entscheidung trifft schließlich der Bundestag. Bislang wird der Müll in upper Zwischenlagern an 16 Standorten in Deutschland, on the other hand in Gorleben (Landkreis Lüchow-Dannenberg) in Lower Saxony. Dort can’t ignore the Müll – the BGE hated the Salzstock 2020 for an inappropriate statement. Damals had a first Zwischenbericht zur Endlagersuche veröffentlicht.

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NDR Fernsehen | Hello Lower Saxony | 04.11.2024 | 7:30 PM