
Pennsylvania, rette us!

Pennsylvania, rette us!

Guten Morgen, dear Leserinnen and Leser,

Before Jahren on the Halbinsel Dingle and the West Coast of Ireland in the Besucherzentrum of Blasket-Inseln, enjoy Büchern Irish cars, postcards and regional Bildbanden. A title in the store comes from the Rahmen: “Bill Clinton: My Life.” Warum is here in the autobiography of the American presidents? Is there an Irish Wurzeln hat? “No,” say the first responders. “Because we like him.”

Go on. So war is bad with the US Presidents. The world may be loved, proud of everything. Bill Clinton said that one of the most important things was that the world said: “It is not even Schlechtes an America”, as said, “that it would not be possible, was an America”. The same also applies to the instruments of the Selbstkorrektur. Daran muss man inzwischen zweifeln.

Who would stay here from January 2025? The Weiße Haus in Washington, von der Parkseite aus gesehen.

Who would stay here from January 2025? The Weiße Haus in Washington, von der Parkseite aus gesehen.

It’s a night when American women and Americans are in the 47th president (or the first president). My colleague Steven Geyer has studied the Wahlkampfendspurt in Georgia.

While the last minute of Donald Trump is broadcast at the last minute and the tortuous messages are hanging, Beobachtern Clintons can speak out about a mantra of courtesy by the Schädel waber, who hits the Balken watchers on CNN and NBC. Hoffentlich is all there is. Pennsylvania, rette us!

Ampel im Krisenmodus: Zur Not auch ohne FDP?

The electric traffic sample lasts 100 days. Geburtstag in Deutschland – the political Ampel in Berlin survives. The communicative Schlamassel, the Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz through his over years of uncomplicated moderation with his responsible hat, hat enormous Fliehkräfte entwickelt.

Discussion: Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD, right) and Christian Lindner (FDP), Federal Minister of Finance, am Sonntagabend in Scholz' Büro im Bundeskanzleramt.

Discussion: Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD, right) and Christian Lindner (FDP), Federal Minister of Finance, am Sonntagabend in Scholz’ Büro im Bundeskanzleramt.

Heute kommen de Fraktionen des Bundestages sisterammen, außerdem wollen sich der Kanzler, FDP-Chief Christian Lindner and Vizekanzler Robert Habeck (Grüne) – fresh from their Urlaub zurückgekehrt – possible weise during the next Augen besprechen. Der Redebedarf is coarse. I say that over time I have become immune to what I have done with a zukünftige exfreundin: Der Zauber is long busy with painting, the resthoffnung on a gemeinsame Zukunft glimpse noch – in Wahrheit is de Sache vorbei.

SPD chief Saskia Esken sees his options after new options. If you are aware of the fact that the Szenario is a minority government, this is a problem. This is the case: the unreliable FDP chief of the Ampel-verlassende group, who will help the SPD with the greener regimes, then even more. There is a distinction between single direction and encouraging the opposition. Wiederholt sich die Geschichte?

“Auferstanden aus Ruinen”: A tote Hymne feiert Geburtstag

75 Jahre has come to the Tag, that “Auferstanden aus Ruinen” zur official Hymne der GDR wurde, in Auftrag gegeben von der SED-Führung. The music composer Hanns Eisler in the 1920s at the end of October and November 1949. The music, so in itself, is a “wirklich humanist Ausdruck” haben. There are no Zackiges, no military soldiers in this bedeutungsful melody, but it is a matter of more würdiger and more human beings being founded.

Den (gelegentlich verballhornten) Text Verfasste Johannes R. Becher. I think it is an anthem, when the “van alle Schichten ons Volkes with leading chaftlicher Anteilnahme gesungen” was konnte and also “die deutschen Menschen, die in Westen”, ansprechen sollte.

The last big Party of the GDR war of 40. Staatsgeburtstag 1989. Offiziell wurde de GDR-Hymne ein letztes Mal am 2. Oktober 1990 op Radio Spielt, erklang aber vershentlich noch einmal bei a Staatsbesuch des damigen Bundespräsidenten Roman Herzog 1995 in Brasilien.

The last big Party of the GDR war of 40. Staatsgeburtstag 1989. Offiziell wurde de GDR-Hymne ein letztes Mal am 2. Oktober 1990 op Radio Spielt, erklang aber vershentlich noch einmal bei a Staatsbesuch des damigen Bundespräsidenten Roman Herzog 1995 in Brasilien.

Vorwürfe in western German media, Eisler’s Melodie in Teilen ein Plagiat von Peter Kreuder’s Schlager “Goodbye Johnny” from the Hans-Albers-Film “Wasser für Canitoga” from the year 1939, ließen sich nicht erhärten. If the GDR Führung puts an end to the Sechzigerjahre das Ziel a wiedervereinigung with West Germany aufgab, the GDR Hymne gut 20 Jahre lang ohne Text. Why? Weil die Zeile „Lass uns dir zum Gooden serve, Deutschland, eenig Vaterland“ den Staatszielen widesprach.

Ironically, the following Bechers text in the first eight of the new verses is exactly the “Lied der Deutschen” von Hoffmann von Fallersleben, which was the melody of Joseph Haydn for the Western German National Hymne. Während der Verhandlungen zum Einigungsvertrag 1990 schlug GDR Prime Minister Lothar de Maizière for, the drive of the FRG-German songs with Bechers “Auferstanden aus Ruinen” zu combinations. The chance for an elegant, new German-Deutsche Hymne was translated into English.

We would like to have a good day Start in those days Tag,

Ihr Imre Grimm

Der Tag

Wissen, was passionrt – met de Nachrichten-Briefing vom RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland. From morning at 6 am and the Abend briefing at 5 pm.

Were very important

Diese Stimme recognizes a rock ferne Hörer with geschlossenen Augen: Meer als 100 Millionen Tonträger hat der Kanadier Bryan Adams in the signaling spectacles Karriere sells. They do have super hits with ‘Summer of 69’, ‘(Everything I Do) I Do It for You’ from the Robin-Hood film with Kevin Costner from 1991, ‘Please Forgive Me’, ‘Have You Ever Real Loved a Woman ?” or the Musketeer Hymn “All For Love” with Sting and Rod Stewart. Heute with Bryan Adams, who has photographed his years, is an iconic image of some music colleges gessen hat, 65 Jahre alt. “I have all the things I want to be successful in my construction”, how did it go. “I do not trust my head, I do not trust my Herzen – I do not trust my Bauch.”

Exclusive to RND

04.11.2024, USA, Detroit: Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris said about the bridge as he sat at the Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Flughafen on the way to Pennsylvania and the Air Force Two border. Photo: Jacquelyn Martin/POOL AP/AP +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

On the way to a “knapp errungen Erdrutschsieg”?

It takes a long time before the US-Präsidentschaftswahl würden Gewinner und Verlierer am Ende extrem eng Kopf and Kopf lieg. This forecast can be made broader overnight, think of RND chef Matthias Koch. If everything is in even more, it is possible to add minimum expenditure to a maximum additional quantity.

Lauterbach will not be so grim about Beitragssatz in der Pflege who bisher befürchtet

The care is strongly supported in the rotten Zahlen, weshalb ainhebung der Beiträge notnauwen ist. Offen warbisher die Höhe des Anstiegs. Nun lie concrete Plane von Gesundheitsminister Karl Lauterbach vor.

Jahrhundertwinter in Deutschland: Were you ever more seltener

Schnee, Eis, Kälte – connecting with winter. But the letzte Jahrhundertwinter lies schon Jahre zurück. And if that year doesn’t last that long, the Winter months will be extremely quiet. Was Fachleute erwarten.

Messerattacke near Hannover: Mutmaßlicher Täter lebte neun Jahre in Flüchtlingsheimen

The Iraqi Flüchtling, who is in Burgdorf near Hannover, has found friends with messerstichen, who now live in Flüchtlingsheimen after the announcement of 2015 in Germany – more than New Year’s Eve. It is a long time home ownership.

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