
Region Chiemsee and Mühldorf aus dem Rennen

Region Chiemsee and Mühldorf aus dem Rennen

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Region Chiemsee and Mühldorf aus dem Rennen
Join Castoren on the road to an Atommüll-Zwischenlager. © photo alliance/dpa | Arne Dedert

In 2050, an end bearing for 27,000 Cubic Meter high radioactive Atommülls in Germany has been financed. After the first phase of the negotiation, the Standorte is one of the Chiemsee and at Mühldorf geeignetes Wirtsgestein aufweisen. Now it’s time to die and run again. What happens next?

Munich On one of the end bearings of the highly radioactive Atommüll, the Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung (BGE) is part of the knowledge in Bavaria as potentially geeigneten Flächen as ungeeignet eingestuft. Details about the region around the Chiemsee, near Mühldorf and Gemeinden in Kreis Erding, including Dorfen and Bockhorn from the Wissenschaftlern aus dem Rennen. Gleiches gilded for few Teile Frankens see the part of the northern Upper Palatinate or an area in Lower Bavaria near Landshut, which were neither in such versahren.

After the new Arbeitsstand der BGE, 44 Prozent der Landesfläche in Deutschland weiter in Rennen – in the Rule, weil here nor keine weitere Einordnung durch Experten ergolgt ist. Verglichen with the first Message from the BGE from the Teilgebieten in September 2020 that in itself the Fläche a beef zehn Prozent reduziert. The specific historical information are available on the BGE website as an interactive map feature.

The final Entscheidung trifft der Bundestag

Damit is no longer Bayern general in their racing at the Endlagersuche. A larger part of Nuremberg, Augsburg and the Bavarian Forest may no longer be explored. When you describe the new working position, it is not the case that there is no connecting factor: the integration of the teilgebiete in standortregionen, which in recent years has become more and more knowledgeable, so that the BGE first End of 2027 will be followed. The final is separated by the standings of the regional trifft of the Bundestag.

The Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung prüft mit Sicherheitsuntersuchungen, welche Gebiete in Deutschland favorable geological provisions for the unterirdische Endlagerung hochradioactiven Abfälle erwarten lassen. 2020, the Bundeseigene Gesellschaft in a message 90 years ago, at a newer Prüfung Lohnen-konnte, executed, die 54 Prozent der Fläche Deutschlands. These products will now be used in further development in the current location regions. “The soul is what it is, with an average little Zahl an Gebieten in Phase 2 zu gehen,” says BGE Speaker Dagmar Dehmer.

Während Umweltverbände und Bundesumweltministerin Steffi Lemke (Grüne) das Such Verfahren und de wolllte Transparenz lobten, critical Bavaria’s Umweltminister Thorsten Glauber (Freie Wähler) with the Prozedere: “The bishige Verfahren hat in erster Linie Kosten en Verunsicherung in diferent Regionen.” This is a uch niece If it is correct, this happened in the 2070s. The new Arbeitsstand is a “good environment for people in Bayern”.

The Methodology, with the Sicherheit in the Arbeitsschritt, will exclude the Bereichsleiterin Standortauswahl at the BGE, Lisa Seidel. “Wir suchen in eenmöglichenbasierten Verfahren den Standort with the best possible safety. You can set the safety of the economy a little higher with your Prüfschritt. Gebiete, die een Hürde nicht überjueren, nicht weiterbearbeitet.”

An end bearing will be financed in 2050

If the end bearings have a device close to the 27,000 cubic meter high-level radioactive installations, this is more than 60 years of Atomkraft in Germany. The fact is that money is financed for a million years, which is worth a million years. Security is active in 16 major Zwischenlagern in various Bundesländern. The Federal World Ministry was founded in 2050 and the end of the world was financed. It takes about 20 years for the plant to be planted. (dpa)