
Alphabet-Aktie überzeugt mit Quartalszahlen: AI and Cloud as Wachstumstreiber

Alphabet-Aktie überzeugt mit Quartalszahlen: AI and Cloud as Wachstumstreiber

Alphabet-Aktie überzeugt mit Quartalszahlen: AI and Cloud as Wachstumstreiber

Alphabet (NASDAQ:) reports in a quarter of a compound and gewinnwachstum, which is inextricably linked to the strong Cloud and defenseless operation.

Umsatz and Gewinnwachstum at record level + Alphabet rewards investors

Der Gesamtumsatz remains 15% at 88.27 Billion. USD, the Erwartungen was 86.3 billion. USD übertraffic. If the company has won a contract (EPS), it will be 37% at 2.12 USD and the price will be reduced from 1.85 USD German. I am abgelaufenen Quartal wurden 15.79 Mrd. USD by Aktienrückkäufe and 2.5 Billion. USD in Form of Dividends and Investors zurückgegeben.

Alphabet’s cash flows were lightly loaded in the quarter, underexposed by a 3 Billion. USD Strafe der European Commission. And in the US there is talk of an antitrust agreement by the US judicial ministries to enter into an alphabetical partnership with Apple (NASDAQ:). CEO Sundar Pichai shows that AI has become integrated to the same extent as aid, making work more efficient.

Werbung und Google Cloud als Wachstumstreiber: Alphabet erzielt Milliardenumsätze

Alphabet makes strong use of the Werbe- and Abonnementangeboten on YouTube and Google Network, which together generate 65.85 billion. USD Umsatz erwirtschafteten – een Zuwachs von more than 10% gegenüber dem Vorjahr.

As soon as the Google Cloud achieved a strong Wachstum of 35% and achieved a Umsatz of 11.35 billion. USD. In the “Other Bets” segment, Waymo has the power to offer a taxi service of its own with a brand of more than $150,000.

In particular, in the area of ​​Google Cloud, Alphabet has a great impact on KI solutions, especially in the area of ​​generative AI and KI infrastructure. Due to the technological strength in the Cloud half dabei, the efficiency of the German research into the scaffolding and the costs for an increase of 90% to senken (= new Nvidia chips).

Abwarten empfohlen – Attractive Bewertung aber Kartellverfahren als Damoklessschwert

Meine Einschätzung: Alphabet is beautifully displayed and can be seen in Sachen KI with the wet-bewerb-gleich. If the American cartel team has a damlessschwert about the action, then it is a successful enterprise. I would stop first.