
Appell an Politik zur Rettung des St.-Johannes-Ziekenhuizen nach Schließung der Notaufnahme

Appell an Politik zur Rettung des St.-Johannes-Ziekenhuizen nach Schließung der Notaufnahme

The Vareler Krankenhaus would be the Mittlerweile bis auf de Gynäkologie runtergewirtschaftet. Warum, it’s a teacher.

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Schließung der Notaufnahme in Varel

A documentation about the St. John’s Hospital was sent in NDR on October 21 at 10 p.m. From the perspective of birds: A fascinating, wonderful construction. There have been many years of research that are Haus voler Leben. It’s a matter of laughter, it’s a matter of banter. Unhealthy people, the useful people, are taken care of.

These unintended consequences, for my purpose, are the Wahrzeichen varels, which were not taken into account in this lesson. If you want to experience the end of the course, this is one of the many discourse methods that you can use to care for the specialist skills in specializations with highly qualified personal, therapeutic and disinterested therapies. Was it with patients who have lung function, heart disease, cardiovascular disease, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, acute fatigue, etc.? When with those patients, when all the small houses are closed or whoever the man says so, will outpatient care transform?

Before medical care is provided, these patients are no longer treated. If the power flow blocking bets are executed, the bets will start to disappear. I also say: “Were those sick who were sick after a follow-up therapy in a small hospital whose health was restored? Is this patient not worth more?”

Laut Lauterbach sollen de Häuser, die benötigen, die in dem Land sind, mit seiner “historical Reform” was geschützt. So, there is an umbrella organization that Häuser will be leaving. Would you like to have an umbrella organization here? The Vareler Krankenhaus would be the Mittlerweile bis auf de Gynäkologie runtergewirtschaftet. Why? Although it is true that politics abstains with instructive rejections and lets us down. Herr Ambrosy hasn’t even had a clue, the Vareler Standort is not available.

Wirtschaftlichkeit und Profitgier sind im Gesundheitswesen will remain untouched. Varel is concerned about the failure and maintenance of an inner body and a surgical procedure, so that gynecology no longer exists. From the perspective of the good people of the common sense of the politician: „Lassen Sie das Vareler Krankenhaus nicht sterben!“

Dorte Eilers


St. John's Hospital Varel