
Hotel-Neueröffnung – “Stay KooooK” is located on Obernstraße

Hotel-Neueröffnung – “Stay KooooK” is located on Obernstraße

Mittens in the Bremen Innenstadt are bare in a new hotel. A classical concept was not found.

I come to Obernstraße years later because I have opened a hotel in the city of Bremer. Das “Stay KooooK” has no Zimmern in the studios with kitchen tarpaulins and individual settings, which all exist for the longer term.

“Stay KooooK” is a classic hotel listed on the website. Vieles an dem Konzept is a typical WG-Leben. If a lobby company is a Wohnzimmer for the meeting or Meetings, a gastronomic company is an Esszimmer, while other hotel guests can be purchased. In the Spielzimmer game the possibilities, playing games, billiards or series on a larger Leinwand are so great.

Das Unternehmen SV Hotel AG, the “Stay KooooK”-betreibt, comes from Switzerland. Please choose Hotels in Geneva and Bern. In Germany you will find Bremen Eröffnungen in Mannheim, Munich, Leipzig and Hamburg.

Das “Stay KooooK” is seen in Obernstraße 45-47, the HD Gruppe from Berlin is realized by a silent Neubau with Wohneinheiten and Geschäften.

The Eröffnung of “Stay KooooK” is the title of Portals “Neuerö” for 2025 planted. Other details are not yet possible.