
Atom-Endlager: First conversations about the Abgeltungen für Endlager in Stadel ZH laufen

Atom-Endlager: First conversations about the Abgeltungen für Endlager in Stadel ZH laufen

In the Haberstal in the Gemeinde Stadel ZH, where the Atommüll-Endlager was built, a hydrogeologist from the Nagra Grundwassermessungen for long-term studies was carried out.
In the Haberstal in the Gemeinde Stadel ZH, where the Atommüll-Endlager was built, a hydrogeologist from the Nagra Grundwassermessungen for long-term studies was carried out.


The conversations about the Abgeltungen, which the affected communities will solve the paths of the planted Atom-Endlagers in Stadel ZH, have begun. Die eigentlichen Verhandlungen from 2025.

The Verband der Schweizer Kernkraftwerksbetreiber (Swiss Nuclear) is responsible for the Abgeltungsverhandlungen. These are available with a larger part of the trade agreements for the Swiss nuclear energy on the infrastructure of the nachrichtenagent Keystone-SDA with. First conversations in the past.

Once the formalities are completed and all relevant themes are identified, the transactions can begin. A year later they became the autumn that Swissnuclear writes.

On November 19, the National Genossenschaft for the Lagerung radioactive Abfälle (Nagra) became a fact with 30,000 pages of Rahmenbewilligungsgesuch submitted for the Endlager. The Bundesbehörden were put on the complete market.

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