
Hoffenheim boss Andreas Schicker has to amputate his hand after the Böller accident

Hoffenheim boss Andreas Schicker has to amputate his hand after the Böller accident

Horror-Tage for the new Hoffenheim-Boss

Böller zerfetzten seine Hand – Andreas Schicker lives with prosthesis

Andreas Schicker has to amputate his hand

Andreas Schicker has to amputate his hand.


It fell quickly!

But the new Hoffenheim boss Andreas Schicker (38) lives with a prosthetic hand. Nun erzählte is von seiner tragicer Lebensgeschichte.

Böller-Unfall as Spieler!

Since then, Andreas Schicker is now Manager at TSG Hoffenheim. After an Erfolgreichen Zeit in Österreich at Sturm Graz, the Europa-League-Teilnehmer from Sinsheim is the first Bundesliga station for the 38 years and still young. Von seiner Lebensgeschichte erase now the fewest ones.

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Schicker, who himself played a Spieler at Sturm Graz, did not see a Böller nor a Silvester when he earned money in November 2014. If there is an anzündete, Explodierte der Böller sofort in signaler links Hand. This advantage: simple operation, with the straight hand-rettet it was easy to operate. Seine linke Hand hinges war completely zerfetzt.

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