
Heidekrautbahn: Trotz Baubeginnn: Reaktivierung der Heidekrautbahn schleppend

Heidekrautbahn: Trotz Baubeginnn: Reaktivierung der Heidekrautbahn schleppend

Soon four years after the symbolic first spatenstich in the last week of the Umbauarbeiten at Bahnhof Wilhelmsruh for the Reaktivierung of the Stammstrecke der Heidekrautbahn began. The station would be made suitable for regional traffic on the 14 kilometer long Abschnitt zwischen Wilhelmsruh in Berliner Norden and Basdorf in Brandenburg, teilte der Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg (VBB) mit. Bisher completely stopped the Berliner S-Bahn in Wilhelmsruh.

The Bahnhof has another Bahnsteig that is barrier-free. Der Damm, auf dem die Schienen verlaufen, will not do that. Construction started a year ago. If you play the first regional roles, German will take longer.

The plans for the remaining stretches of the adjacent Bahnübergang Hertzstraße bis zum Abzweig Schönewalde are now in progress. “The plans for the market have been limited since then. A new planer has fallen, said Detlef Bröcker, Geschäftsführer of the Niederbarnimer Eisenbahn (NEB), of the infrastructure and the dismantling of the Australian economy.

Construction start in the year 2026 was wünschenswert

After excluding the entire sparrows, the responsible products must be covered by the environmental and environmental protection provisions. “If all goes well, Jahres Baurecht will come to an end. When we started our construction work in 2026, we were very happy,” concreted Bröcker. Konkrete Zeitpläne is one of the VBB indes nicht. The plans sometimes lasted for years, but the Bau would become more and more delayed.

The railway connection was destroyed by the Mauerbau 1961. The Reaktivierung der Heidekrautbahn is the part of the investment programs in 2030 for the Schienenausbau in the Hauptstadt region. Vom Bahnhof Wilhelmsruh soll die Heidekrautbahn in Zukunft auch an den Bahnhof Gesundbrunnen were connected. If the war no longer lasts, the Züge auf der Strecke Fahren will take place in 2023.

Financing was made with an amount of 46 million euros to a 90 percent project from the Bund. There is still no question of financing the common traffic financing law. The two states of Berlin and Brandenburg have entered Vorleistung.

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