
Such nach Atommüll-Endlager: Potenzielle Flächen reduziert

Such nach Atommüll-Endlager: Potenzielle Flächen reduziert

At a place in the eastern Lagerhalle, which is CASTOR radioactive with type THTR and blue with type CASTOR V/19, atomic kraftwerken were carried out in a zwischengelagert, with the following: · Control - Vorsicht Strahlung ·.

Atommüll shines for hundreds of years.

Quelle: dpa

It is a fact that an end bearing for the highest radioactive atoms has been created: more than four years after my first Zwischenbericht that the Bundesgesellschaft for end bearing (BGE) has the potential to further develop Flächen in Germany. Demnach kämen nun noch 44 Prozent der Landesfläche infrage, says BGE Speaker Dagmar Dehmer. 2020 were es noch 54 Prozent.

The new work position does not describe any small connections in the field: The Einschränkung der Teilgebiete auf Standortregionen, die im weiteren Verlauf des Verfahrens oberirdisch erkundet, zoll laut BGE first End 2027 hereditary. The final is separated by the state of play in the Bundestag.
digitaler Geigerzähler

It is a German end bearing for the Atommüll that was made its own in 2030. Jetzt has done a study of the Freiburger-ko institutes, which takes longer.07.08.2024 | 1:32 min

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The Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung prüft mit Sicherheitsuntersuchungen, welche Gebiete in Deutschland favorable geological provisions for the unterirdische Endlagerung hochradioactivver Abfälle erwarten lassen. The Bereichsleiterin Standortauswahl bei der BGE, Lisa Seidel, describes the soul thus:

We have such an excellent basis for maintaining good health with the best possible health.

Lisa Seidel, Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung

“We will take care of the safety precautions for the area with the same prüfschritt ein bisschen höher”, Seidel explains. “Gebiete, die een Hürde nicht überjueren, nicht weiterbearbeitet.”

Once the end bearings are close to the 27,000 cubic meter high radioactive devices, this will be more than 60 years of Atomkraft in Germany.

SGS King

A new study was carried out on an Atommüll-Endlager in 2074. There was no hinge point, according to Wolfram König, expert for nuclear energy companies. 08.08.2024 | 4:31 min

Soul: A million years of Security

The fact is that a million years has been funded for a million years. Aufbewahrt is active in 16 upper Zwischenlagern in several Bundesländern.

The Bundesumweltministerium was born in 2050 and the end of the war was financed and lasted about 20 years when the factory was in use.

Quelle: dpa