
Was Besitzer im Herbst in Angriff nehmen sollten

Was Besitzer im Herbst in Angriff nehmen sollten

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Winter is no more and the household appliance is so done that it no longer works. Best time not to use the herbal mixture.

Temperatures will last longer and the crisper Duft of winters will remain in the air. It’s time to get back to normal: The season is the ideal time to enjoy a winter festival in Zurich. With the right measurements, energy cannot be saved, but frost and cold can be avoided. If this checklist is implemented, it will be available in recent years.

1. Window and Tür-Dichtungen-prüfen

A star, a Zuhause winter festival of its own, is laut the protection of the seals and windows and windows. Undicht Couples weld calm air inside and warm air entweichen, was zu high Heizkosten führen kann. When you engage the seals, it’s a hit or miss. When men celebrate the party, the seals will be bent, a place in the house or a terribly high cost penalty for avoiding.

The Haus winterfest zu machen, is a job for drinnen and draußen: Auch die Regenrinne gehört dazu.
The Haus winterfest zu machen, is a job for drinnen and draußen: Auch die Regenrinne gehört dazu. © Imago/Alfred Hofer

2. Wasserleitungen v Frostschützen

Frost can erhebliche Damen und Wasserleitungen verursachen. Be sure to loosen and insulate everything. Insulating material made of dust fryer or special foil is ideal, a Rohre for frying it. It is important that there is no more stirring or at Leitungen, that an Außenwänden verlaufen.

3. Außenwasserhahn außer Betrieb nehmen

To avoid frost damage and water wastage, you can also take care of the fresh water for your business. Learn the washerhahn and finish the rest of the washer. Das Schließen des Wasserhahns prevents laut Plantura.gardenwhen it goes into the oven, the water is solid and can become a rissführt.

4. Heizungen prüfen, entlüften, warten lassen

Heizungen are invisible in winter, but it is difficult that the Heizperiod is going through the überprüfen. Entlüften Sie Ihre Heizkörper, een Luftblasen zu entfernen, die laut the Heizleistung is intrigued and removed while a machine is used. If you notice any disturbances, you can have your Heizungen treated by a Fachmann owner, ask a problem, that’s efficient and that’s how it works.

You will find everything you need for a Haushalts- and Garten-Tipps in the Wohnen newsletter via Partners

5. Cleaning and cleaning

If you use a comb or other nut, it is wise to do winter cleaning. Rückstände und Ruß können de Effizienz Ihres Ofens verringern en sogar een Brandgefahr darstellen. Suppose you are cold, if you keep the cold air in the fire, it will be a breeze to get warm.

6. Dach und Mauerwerk überprüfen

Another story about the winter festivities of the houses is the inspection of the Daches and the Mauerwerks. Please note that you will lose the facade or you will have to clear the roof and put the facade on the Risse or the Abplatzungen. Diese Schwachstellen können laut if you go into the air, the end of winter and winter, was that you can use more Schäden air.

7. Clean the rainwater

To ensure that the rain washer is properly cleaned, so that your roof is cleaned. Laub and Schmutz were able to indulge themselves and the Wasser überläuft was praised Schäden und Ihrem Dach und Ihrer Fassade kan verursachen. If the water in the rainwater is solid, it can make it easier to fry and cause damage. A thorough cleaning of the rainwater can solve and solve this problem, while the washing machine works efficiently.

8. Check control

If you include the day and the longer night, you can linger longer. Make sure that you are not entitled to Außenbeleuchtung. Please note that all lights are functioning and the mulled lights are out. One of the nicest things is that it is not the case that the Security is like that, if you do that, then your house in the dunklen Jahreszeit is finished and gemütlich work.

9. Garden furniture or abdecking

Auch in the garden sollte man im Herbst Vorbereitungen met: Um Ihre Gartenmöbel for Frost and Schnee zu schützen, sollten They are entwined in a geschützten Bereich bring or sie with special Abdeckungen schützen. It does not prevent damage, but it does not prevent long-term auch die Lebensdauer Ihrer Möbel. Once you know that the substance is gone, before you get started, there is a Schimmelbildung zu vermeiden.