
Stabilizer Dax stops with 19,000 points

Stabilizer Dax stops with 19,000 points

FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) – After the German reaction to the German Aktienmarkt, the reaction to the American-American Donald Trumps is that the price on the Donnerstag is stabilizing. Vorbörslich became für den Dax moderate Aufschläge erwartet. When Wall Street started to feel the American Trumps war, the big companies started to make their profits here after the trade violation.

Stabilizer Dax stops with 19,000 points

The attention of the Republican Trump is focused on the American presidents and the American presidents can follow the German Wirtschaft if the American president has not yet taken action. Trump’s political agenda may last longer than the last time the US-Notenbank Fed got involved. I got involved in the money politics of the world. There is a super-wiegend a Zinssenkung a 0.25 Prozentpunkte in a Spanne from 4.50 to 4.75 Prozent.

A test for the Xetra-Start signal of the X-Dax with the German Leitindex with 19,087 points is lighter in Plus. I have found the Börsenbarometer that has gone below 19,000-Punkte-Marke-vermiden in the depths of Woche an Abrutschen. Also the Eurozone Guide Index EuroStoxx 50 dare to start soon.

Das Ende der Ampel-Koalition in Berlin is welded. Laut Thomas Gitzel of the VP Bank has this “in the power of the grundlegende differences among the coalition a good option for the economics of Germany”.

Tomorrow there is a new life in the queue, with Dax-Schwerweights such as München Re, Rheinmetall and Daimler Truck. The previous Kursreaktionen are active in Grenzen. Aktien von Daimler Truck lost indes auf Tradegate 4 Prozent.

You can take the Geschäftszahlen des Essenslieferanten Delivery Hero und des Chemiekonzerns Lanxess and both courses on Tradegate zu./bek/mis